What is the function of Jacobson's organ?

Correct answer: Helps detect pheromones

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
I knew the answer but how can something be discovered twice.
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
Player #96919, you're right. When a snake flicks its tongue in and out of its mouth, it's actually collecting scent molecules from the air and depositing them in its Jacobson's organ through the roof of its mouth.
That’s why humans wear perfume then? I was told by a girlfriend that we are attracted to one another by chemicals, I guess she was right, that’s why our relationship ended…she was always right!!! 😂
J, actually despite anatomical evidence physiologic evidence drops off in early twenties.
Player #96919
Player #96919
ImitationBatman, snakes have them to detect prey