What is the blink reflex responsible for?
Correct answer: Protecting the eyes

Each time you blink the tear ducts release an oil like substance across the eye to keep it hydrated - answer options a little misleading

Mimi, you are correct. According to their explanation, if you were in a dark room with no foreign particles in the air, you would have no need to blink.

When you blink , the meibomiam glands release an oily substance, that prevents tears to evaporate

1 month of body science
good job

Otherwise the eyes would be dry and ulcerate.

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Cat Mom
Robofan301, unless sounds greater than 40-60 dB are made that is, lol

candy swirl 😘
melanie, you are correct😊😮

Blinking is essential for the body it helps to protect our eyes from dust as well as bright light or anything for that matter