What did the symbol Ankh mean in ancient Egypt?
Correct answer: Life

The circle is suppose to represent the womb the wings on each side is said to represent the tubes that carry the eggs and the so-called handle is said to represent the male genital. I read this doing research on the ankh.

Player #131100
and that's where the idea of the cross comes from. Not my idea, did my research

It is the symbol of eternal life

I don't think that Facebook and tik tok qualifies as proper research...

this was also popular in names. example is king tutANKHamun

QueenEagle61, sounds like a retrofitted explanation. The answer explanation says that we don't know if or what the symbol is based on. Probably cause Egyptian history stretches back so far that it wasn't written down at the time or the records were lost by the time the Greeks and later the Romans recorded more of the Egyptian history. Interesting fact, the ancient Egyptians were as far in the past to the Christ era Romans as the Romans are to us!

Actually, the ankh symbolizes eternal life.

the ankh was also popular in names. one example is king tut - tutANKHamun and his father, ANKHanaten.

I didn't know this but guessed it...I like this symbol now!!

BrielleM, His father's name was Akhenaten, which means (loosely)beloved of the Aten. This was the Sun or The Aten, that the "heretic" Pharoah Akhenaten worshipped. Whilst his father was alive Tutankhamun was known as Tutankhaten.

BrielleM, That's why I think it symbolises power, not life. It is always in the hands of "gods" and Kings. just saying.

Player #131100, Yes, and 'Amun' was a n Egyptian 'god', one of the 4000 gods invented by men seeking power and wealth over others. I have done no research.

Player #92723922
Tut ankh amun.

Buzzem, that’s quite a long time. Thx for the insight.

QueenEagle61, wow. That’s interesting

Its also used in the Rastafarian culture as their symbol of life n faith to Haile Salasi I

Very interesting piece of history on this one.

I don't know!

Whoever reads Terry Pratchet will know ✌

QueenEagle61, Where is it possible to find more information about the symbols? Thank you.

Player #8818807
johnnyzoom7, womb-man. Fertility