What is "megalomania"?
Correct answer: Obsession with power and wealth

Lea57, You have a person in the USA at this present time who will surely go down in history not only as a narcissist but as a megalomaniac. The difference in past days was that they took power for themselves. In the present days, it seems rather as though a generation careless of their freedoms may hand power over to such a sociopath, without thought to the grave consequences, even to the loss of their freedoms!

Player #93460997
I agree with Olly and Lea57 . Pure narcissism and they make everyone miserable . Steer clear

Olly, exactly. It’s horrific.

closely related to narcissism... both mental illnesses that agrandize oneself while making everyone else in their lives miserable

Twittler Trumpet.

Olly, Freedom doesn't exist in the present day world, unless you're one of the elite, and even then, some of those are imprisoned by their own greed.

P.S. from Olly, following the Supreme Court's mind-boggling ruling re immunity. It has now become paramount that this person is not voted into power in the USA, WHOEVER is the opposing candidate. This person NEEDS your votes to gain power. You, on the other hand, have the power over him by your right to vote him into a powerless silence! A megalomaniac WITHOUT POWER is a poor helpless being and YOU will have done it! Such is the power of Democracy & the reason why an Autocrat hates it and fears it!

toothless beachrat
I'm pretty sure my oldest brother suffers from this, sad to say....

A lot of people are suffering from this sad to say

Olly, I'm terribly afraid that that generation has been born and achieved legal age already. They are so deeply indoctrinated, they all believe the exact same things, use the same language, and have absolutely no idea that they have been programmed to be compliant, docile people who automatically vote a certain way without EVER questioning why.

Dalia, Rabies?

V, trumpalumpa ?lol

everyone in politics has this sickness.

i love you jax

Happy girl 543
Oh I got it wrong it’s ok though every one is having a good day

P.P.S from Olly. How ironic it would be if the "help" the Supreme Court gave in their immunity ruling becomes the very thing that causes the voting public pause to really think and then makes them scared to vote such a man into that immense and dangerous power!

Seems like 99% of the people on social media these days!

it is tough right please call me for battle

I learned about Alexander the Great in 6th grade and I learned about Gengis Khan in 7th grade

Why not die

Player #135619537
explain those crazy villains

or better known as the sin greed!

Beatiful girl
Picture didn't help

The alternative answers made me laugh. Is there a mania to bite people really?