When was DNA fingerprinting (testing) first used in law to resolve a lawful entry issue into Great Britain?
Correct answer: July 1985

Player #25874027
But the question SPECIFICALLY asked about an immigration case NOT the first use
Your comment : wrong wrong

Player #55741825
Leicester university had the breakthrough DNA which would travel the entire world!! but in its infancy it was weakened by law enforcement across the nations and hundreds of criminal cases where put right many years later in the 90’s

Player #50005226
src, he as just been freed

Pioneered in my home city of Leicester.

Player #27149342 pixie, DNA tests are not actual fingerprints as DNA tests reveal much more so their results are miles apart and most definitely 2 different tools.

Player #27149342 pixie
I was not aware that fingerprinting and DNA fingerprinting are 2 separate tools.

Wrong, Wrong It was developed at Leicester University and used for the first time in a murder case resulting in the prosecution of Colin Pitchfolk