Who was this TV personality?
Correct answer: Tammy Faye Bakker Messner

Read the Bible starting at page one and go page by page till the final page. Took me 12 yrs but I read the New Testament twice. Open your mind to the Holy Ghost and you'll be able to understand without listening to false prophets like the Baker's.

Player #118197
Efandra2003, The whole thing was a crooked mess. l recently saw him on a christian tv program....he looks very old & ugly. Can't change a leopard's spots.

All of us will have to give account on Judgement Day.

AceEnemy23746, don't mock the dead. Let God be the judge.

Player #11503902
Player #5598679, How sad, that people would still fall for his garbage. Sadly, some people never learn.

They were so creepy from the get-go. If you get a creepy feeling, turn away.

Player #11503902
Who can forget all that makeup. I never bought into their scheme. A little research, would inform you of their ridiculously expensive lifestyle.

All these so called religous scandals, changed how I feel about charity. Any charity making money...is following the devil. Greed in its truest form is having billionaires on the same planet as homeless people. The rich give, but do they really when they write it off on taxes.
Giving from your heart costs you nothing.

Player #11503902
KGSHMM365, Yes,it shows layers of makeup. She must have needed a paint scraper to get it off.

and there are still people giving Jim Baker more money

Rats! I knew but second guessed myself🤬

Crooks they were as anybody knows... And crooks don't come to a good end!

Player #11503902, I completely agree it makes me so sick to see a dog in a doghouse outside. If you get a dog to put outside then they are better off staying in the shelter because they should be part of your family so they should be treated as such.

Gonzo, he turned it around and started an honest ministry and new family

Player #113245786
whooooo Kayerzz?

That would have to be the best most sympathetic picture of Tammy Faye, Bakker Messner I've ever seen, she doesn't look so ridiculous there.

The movie I saw about them was so eye opening. There are few "people of God" that you would mistake for celebrities. Some actually are! They live on massive properties, wear the best designer clothes and are unapologetic about it. Makes me sick.

TBN was also awake program and Paul crouch the founder was a hypocrite. he and his wife took money from people including older believers giving in good faith. I was giving too until I realized what theywere doing. Christians are supposed to give tithe lord not these fake ministies.they give Christians a bad name.

Player #62752956
brainiac61, I’m not so quick to judge. She spoke out about acceptance and compassion for the LGBT community. Also said this in the mid-80’s: "How sad that we as Christians, who are to be the salt of the earth, we who are supposed to be able to love everyone, are afraid so badly of an AIDS patient that we will not go up and put our arm around them and tell them that we care." They made a lot of money through entertainment - they had their own tv network and wildly successful theme park.

soulangiana, amen!! so why judge anyone? no one could fully comprehend another's soul.except for God

Redeemed 2001, we are born innocent. we learn bad

Player #13023389
They were on tv for sure and scammed so many people out of their hard earned money. Debby

Player #30661932
Player #11503902, back then he was creepy and now even more creepy LOOKING!

She was definitely the "QUEEN of MASQUERA".

Player #21836095
I lived not too far from them in Rancho Mirage CA. "An old barn always needs new paint!"

Redeemed 2001
The Lord says there is NO one that is good. We are born bad and you must be born again. He wants to fix you and He will.

Player Tystyx
At least she Toned down on the Make~Up.😞

She isn't an important personality. Barely a footnote in history.

Player #11503902
Sueahside714, Since when did Tammy look any better. The picture looks just like the fraud.

Player #11503902
Sweet Girl, An expensive, elaborate heated dog house, When it is cold, a dog belongs inside the real house.

Gonzo, You should try the book of enoch.

Was the make-up carcinogenic? Just wondering.

bad name for faith

Player #4296665
KookyOrangutan5005, I agree!