Which U.S. President taught school in the state of Texas?
Correct answer: Lyndon Johnson

I think Johnson tried to follow the legacy of John Kennedy as best as he could.It was he who implemented all of President Kennedy's Civil Rights legislation, using his many connections in Congress to pull it off. Kennedy started the Vietnam War and Johnson followed his ideas even though he unfortunately escalated it. And he had the grace to not seek a second term. I was one of the people yelling hey hey LGJ how many kids did you kill today but now I
wonder if he didn't have
good intentions and
bad advisors. Plus the
whole country was
evolving in its attitude- from killing commies to respect for the self-determination of a sovereign people. I
remember my dad saying that we'd never stop the war with demonstrations. We did, but we couldn't have done it without Walter Cronkite and that type of jounalism is now illegal. Didn't take the powers that be long to figure that one out....

Player #5602826
Everybody likes to blame Johnson for Vietnam, but let's be honest, prior to the 60s, communist craze, McCarthyism and the domino theory were rampant in US politics. He would have been lambasted just as bad for letting S Vietnam fall to communism if he'd stayed out. And we probably would have had another war hawk president elected into office on the promise of being tough of communism who would have made the same mistake later either way.

I only know this bc my oldest 2 children attended Lyndon B Johnson elementary school in Odessa Texas

I knew he taught school but didn't know where. I know where all those places are since I live in Texas

WhimsicalBruiser9246, actually the war started in the mid fifties. LBJ was one of the most crooked human beings that ever walked.

Player #4862682
lily 21, I thank you and your families sacrifices you all have during that time. God bless you and your family 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❣️❣️❤️❤️ for giving so,so ,so much. I'm so sorry 💔😢💔 for the those guys were received when they came home. I love every single one of them. Tell those that you know 😉❤️😘😘 I really do love them and Goddoes too.

Player #4250921
He had some positive accomplishments particularly in the area of civil rights, but something about him just rubs me the wrong way.

Kal Torak
Jack Kennedy was not a leader on Civil Rights. He had no such legislation written nor drafted nor introduced.
You show your ignorance and do President Johnson a grave disservice by erroneously claiming Johnson's legacy to be that of trying to follow Kennedy's agenda. Johnson drove the Civil Rights Act of 1964 thru Congress. He developed and led the War On Poverty among other accomplishments. Kennedy has a far less impressive record.

Player #13076147, It was started by the North Vietnamese.

Player #30893672
WhimsicalBruiser9246, Vietnam War began in 1954, dude

Lbj really championed the space program

Player #120374466
Qatwalk, The Soviet Block covered a lot territory. And the atheistic power was real threat to the world. It spent lots of its post war resources on the military

you Texans are a rare breed I'll give you that

The Vietnam war had it’s roots in the Eisenhower administration when he sent Military advisors to help the South Vietnamese in their struggle against the north Vietnamese.

WhimsicalBruiser9246, if you look in to it, LBJ was just about to end the war when Nixon sabotaged his plans in order to run for president on the platform that HE would end the war. Interesting piece of history that I wish we had known when it happened!

I was born and raised in Texas, a country all it's own!

PanhandleGuy, Lost my husband there. 181 Airborne 1965- 68.
Thank you for coming home. 🤘

Player #8008224gato
soulangiana, tricky dicky was more crooked

CubicAftermath, what??? Please explain for those of us who have no clue what you are referring to.

jerezaa, You are better than me, I live n Tx, but have to resort to maps on some of the places

Player #185561, that's not part of the question.