Who discovered the double helix structure of DNA?
Correct answer: James Watson and Francis Crick

Player #3841228
Actually it was Rosalind Franklin who has prior claim on this, which has only recently come to light these last decades, as women are now (post-humourously) more readily acknowledged for their contributions to science.

Rosalind Franklin was studying the structure of DNA by firing x-rays at its crystalline form and photographing the scattering of the x-rays. This resulted in in the iconic plate 51 which showed a fuzzy X shaped pattern indicative of a double helical structure. This picture was given to Watson by Wilkins, Rosalind's boss, without her permission. What Crick and Watson did was then to work out how individual units, nucleotides, A, G ,C and T for short, fitted into the double helix

Player #3841228, posthumously, not post-humourously LOL

MustyWombat, Watson and Crick stole from Franklin; also from Pauling who helped with their work. He wouldn’t have accepted, but they didn’t honor Franklin or even offer to Pauling!

I remember this from human bioscience 101.

Player #3841228, Post-humourously? So, she used to be funny, but no longer was?

Player #27149342 pixie
Player #3841228, her part in it was to look at the xrays in a different way, to see them vertically.

Player #31247681
There is a blue plaque for Francis Crick where I go swimming in Mill Hill London, he went to school there and is how I knew this answer.