Which bird listed is the fastest flyer in the world relative to its size?
Correct answer: Hummingbird

i just love hummingbirds they are such tiny beautiful creatures I watch them in my backyard .they can stop in mid air right in front of your face .one nested by my back door on a vine it's egg looked like a big tic tack

only bird that can fly backwards

wow! amazing birds!

Hummingbirds and Dragonflies are both impressive when it comes to speed

* Seshati *
I just love those sweet lil’ birdies. Lol trick question they got me haha I didn’t read question well enough, I was thinking fastest bird period.

they can't walk either just roost

Player spud2466
Player #3564909, read the question fully people it says relative to its size.

My sister has two feeders on her deck and it's so fun to watch these tiny birds.