What is Schrödinger's cat?
Correct answer: A thought experiment

Player #88648
thank you Big Bang Theory

Player #25672957
The thought expirement was if there was a room full of boxes with cats in them that also contained a small vial of poisonous gas and a radioactive element that could break the vial. Since there was no way of knowing whether the cats were dead or alive until the boxes were opened all the cats could be considered both alive and dead at the same time. Please note this was a thought experiment only, no cats were harmed in Schrodinger's thought process.

QuackingTank2311, Watch The Big Bang Theory. They explain it in a much simpler way. 😀

Jo, Schrodingers cat is not something you believe in or not, it just describes a theoretical situation...

I learned that on BBT too!

Jo, it's just scientific theory. nothing to do with God.

Sheldon explains it really well. Thanks Big Bang Theory!

Olly, Big Bang Theory is also the name of a popular American sitcom in which they feature this theory in one of the episodes

What was he smoking!!!

Question from a puzzled Brit - whatever has the Big Bang Theory got to do with it??

Player #33292972
LaContessa, LOL that’s how I first heard about it. I thought it was really something to think about as it relates to a lot of things you need to consider. Is the cat dead or alive? Will I be happy with my new boyfriend or disappointed, who knows and how will I know unless I go out on a date with him or if I don’t open that box???

Wannabe Vulcan
TramplingKatana28341, not even really a theory, so much as an analogy to illustrate a hypothesis.

Player #ussdefiant, Cats continue on just like we do, and some thought say Yes a time in 'heaven' can be part of the process ... just ranting also 😉

Player #88648, yes that's how I knew my answer to. tbbt

Just heard about this today, weird how that sometimes happens.

Player #88648, Big Bang has taught me more than school

Player #18101231
Player #88648, Yes, thats how I also knew
the answer.

Holly Rose
MeulemansF, To what end?

Player #6852065
LaContessa, so Penny could understand it?

wildlifebuffet, I say 'Let them eat cake'..Error, I mean ...Let them look it up. By the way 'ecosia' is a great search engine and just as good as Google but profits go to reforestation and providing clean drinking water and so much more. They are up front where their profits go.

Player #4796245
Player #88648, lol.

Player #2577873
RegretfulHuman68, well, take me to a nunnery...Hamlet's cat?

Remembered the bit about a dead cat, so picked that without reading the question properly! Doh!

wildlifebuffet, WHAT????????