What does the Huawei company produce?
Correct answer: Electronics

Good that there was a picture. Got it right.

There’s a phone in the picture

Rahymeen Ejaz
My favourite 😎

Player #145934252
Chy-Nah disease

Player #144780720
it is because of the picture I I it

King P1
one of the best companies that produce innovative and designer electronic devices but the USA companies like Apple got scared of it and lost competition, so uncle Sam sanctioned Huawei. it is what America does best

I wouldn't have known unless there was a picture lol

Fifi beautiful
I know thos brand because my aunt and my grandpa have a huawei phone

I didn’t know until I saw the picture lol

We have the telephone at home 🏠

Team Sabrina
I don't know that brand but picture gave it away

bernasor boyet
electronics phone name huawei.

im answering this question with a huawei device wth😭

i have a ipad a laptop and a phone

The Brainiac
who doesn't like electronics because I do

Your mom
Electronics are the best

A corner of an iPad is right in the photo!

We SEE the iPad you know!!

I hate the fact. That. They. Show us a picture

Why are you making it easy?

we'll they may well be Boss
and when it comes to electro
gadgets they display and
stand tall but anyone thought
Futher into astronomy
they may well have invested
in Large transportation, Real estate Food manufacturering
with that saught of success
no ought to question it again
they more than likely own
large mining industry's too ??
and recycling plants