What do you call someone, who finds it easier to express himself in writing rather than in person?
Correct answer: Textrovert

Mars V
Who calls them that? Not the dictionary.

I'm a textrovert and an introvert. The older I get, the more I dislike even email. I prefer texting, never answer the phone unless I know who it is and I love hanging with friends and family. It's been hard trying to fit in an extrovert world.

Texting is okay .. but do not let it replace face to face ..

I might be textrovert...

Some of them can become keyboard warriors.

I am an introverted textrovert. I really do not like phone calls and I really feel bad every time I ignore a ring. it's like a curse because I don't like people. I only hang out with me and myself.

Bluemoon7, AGREED.
I like person to person

Mars V
Player Teresa611, The dictionary says extravert is a less common variant. My phone just now tried to correct it to extrovert.

Ndegwa, Or ur Best Friend could be a lonely dog or cat just waiting for u to pick them up, ❤️ on them, and adopt them! Did u know that the second ur around, any human being, ur blood pressure instantly goes up a little? That's because humans usually judge one another, etc. But when ur around a dog/cat, ur blood pressure instantly goes down. Because they ❤️ us unconditionally!! They sense when we're mad, sad, happy, lonesome, etc. They can help us with our emotions.

Excuse the Kuz, You are so right ! How do you find mate without personal contact ! Sounds like a lot of lonely people out there .

Comma isn’t needed. It’s incorrect.

so this must refer to many a poet?

Excuse the Kuz
I have noticed this. People don't communicate very well in person anymore. How sad. Good luck finding the right person for you to spend your life with. Without human contact, there will always be something missing.

Tanu Sharma
Dictionary is always in progress.😊

Wally McGhee 🐥
Yes, language does evolve and dictionaries evolve too. This word only appears in the urban dictionary, not Merriam-Webster. The urban dictionary is hardly an authoritative source. this appeared in a battle - 3 of 5 good players missed it.

Ndegwa, not healthy

language evolves, and even though it might not sound correct to many, it's part of evolution as humans. just as Old English is not the New English

Player #97184361
Mars V, The world society is not dead and so are words to add to an ever expanding dictionary. Isn’t that exciting, Mars V. ? ! ! !

Player #97184361
I love that word it says really what one can perform outwardly what’s inside deeply. ! ! !

text sounds like written only.

Player Teresa611
The term is actually EXTRAVERT, not extrovert. It’s frequently mis-spelled, as it has been here. ‘Intro’ means ‘inward’, and ‘extra’ means ‘outward’.