In which country is Chicago located?
Correct answer: United States
Player #25924774
Bigkev, sweet home Chicago. 75 years I've lived here.
I actually grew up there, it's a shame just how bad it's gotten, I moved from there, many years ago!
Cat Mom
Whenever I use the skip question booster the replacement question is ridiculously easy
on my bucket list
Excuse the Kuz
The city with the big shoulders!
This was really easy specially because I am from Chicago and it is beautiful
Cat Mom, Sometimes we need easy. 😊
Flower demon
Chicago is a beautiful city of united States
Giggle pig
Free to any other country that wants it.
Nhuca , My son went there with a Christian private school and accidentally bumped his head on the bean. The bean is so cool.
I heard Chicago has good pizza.