What is traditionally made from oil, egg yolk, and lemon juice?
Correct answer: Mayonnaise

Craig Chambers
I dip my fries in mayonnaise. If you've never dipped ur fries in mayonnaise I'd suggest u do that right now.. I mean it.... go dip some fries in mayonnaise RIGHT NOW!!!!!

cika pera
rene, NOOOO,only yolks!

You don’t need lemon juice to make mayonnaise just oil and egg

If you have never tried Nando's perinase with fries, oh give it a try. Yummy 😋

LillySparrow, for mayo use egg white not the eggyolk.

arohanui, for mayo its egg white, not eggyolk

Here in the USA, I like Hellmann's Plant Based Mayo Spread & Dressing, it's vegan:-)

Craig Chambers; I had never dipped fries in mayo until a coworker "egged" me on to try this combination. It's fantastic! Especially with good, thick, golden fries. It is a real treat so folks ask for plenty of mayo on the side with your next fry order.

the Breeze
I have mayo with practically everything 😋

i love to eat fries with mayonnaise

I have learned to use it in a lot of different ways. It is yummy!

The 2 times I have made it , it didn’t turn out … so I just buy Hellman’s or Best Foods (same co.) I know it’s all in how you purée it but I don’t have the knack

make your own. it's quick and easy, and you know what's in it.