Which one of these cities is not located in Japan?
Correct answer: Seoul
Okinawa is not a city
This question/answer should be corrected. Okinawa has been mentioned but also the answer refers to a map that isn't shown. Obviously it was cut and pasted.
South Korea is one of the countries that sent soldiers to help the South Vietnamese. Around their encampment, they just had a single strand of wire demarking their perimeter. Everyone knew that the ROK's did not tolerate Intruders.
Each time a country is invmjaded and conquered, the conquerors try to change place names and cultural ideas to get those conquered to assimilate in a new society. Resistance to assimilation can only last so. long before the original culture is restored. Korea was very lucky to have its culture survive and be restored.
Azorean Blue
Okinawa is not a city , it’s an island and Perfecture of Japan located in the southern pat of the Japanese archipelago. It’s capital city is Naha
Player #93460997
Easy is you watched MASH
Love Japan! 🇯🇵
Giggle pig
slim, you’re right - it’s not.
Giggle pig
South Korea is a great country and makes great Kias and wonderful LG appliances. And home to the supremely talented Kim sisters!
Okinawa is a city?