Which animal is in the picture?
Correct answer: Ferret
I have four Ferrets and neither one of them are dangerous.
you don't want a ferret in your chicken shed!
We had ferrets for many years. They are very playful, but can give a horrible bite if angry. We probably had 20 over the span of 15 years. W were never successful with getting them to use a litter box. They dug holes in the carpet at closed doors. They got to be too much to take care of, so we found good homes for them.
Growing up a lot of my friends had ferrets for net trapping of rabbits, until myxomatosis, a truly horrible disease was introduced to control the rabbit population.
it's Ira beady eyes and pointy weasel nose.
good grief a ferret is not a rat
this ferret resembles icky Vicki or a cheating polecat probably stinks too.
I love ferrets ! I currently have 2.
Victor Chibundu
this doesn't make sense @!#£%:?
marimargo, their bite is what I'm afraid of
Cheese Open Opening
genius question. never heard the call of a ferret though :/
Player #139957249
Question s are very repititous
Hunger Knowledge
Ferrets are dangerously unpredictable with sharp little chopers
i didn't write that comment something that i can't understand myself