What famous individual said, "I've been to the mountaintop"?

Correct answer: Martin Luther King Jr.

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What people think about it: 18 Comments
Player Peña Power
Player Peña Power
Great man
Undoubtedly a great humanitarian, civil rights activist, orator, and human being. He believed in and led peaceful protest marches, and amazingly got his point across and heard. He was well respected by all races of folks not just those of his own race. I live 20 miles from Memphis and the Civil Rights Museum is very interesting, educational and moving.
Player #1443092
Player #1443092
I think he knew he was going to die that's why he always made that same I've seen the Mountaintop sometimes when we know our death we mentioned things as pertaining to it
missy189, have no fear we know what we are protesting. And MLK would be on the front lines with us!
Player #13023389
Player #13023389
I've been an MLK fan all my life. His words were indeed true. Debby
missy189, HUH???
I always always wonder if HE, JFK, & Abraham Lincoln talk in heaven!! I sure hope they do and if we are same in heaven as we are here in this earth, I can’t wait to meet all three of these remarkable human being that our Lord made so awesomely!! Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for these men who we don’t get to have here as long as we shud have but are grateful nonetheless for each of them!!!!
"It really doesn't matter with me now, because I've been to the mountaintop. I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you..." --Martin Luther King, Jr.
Mars V
Mars V
1tuffcop74, I want to know what dunjarmos said, but someone deleted it. I hate that about this game!
yes he already knew that he was going to murdered and is right now teaching Angels how to love 💕 and it's black history month give credit where it's so not one month out of the year but everyday out of the year
1tuffcop74, please explain
Player #83925953
Player #83925953
Fifty two years later this speech still stir something inside of me. It has been said that some people are able to see or predict their upcoming death. Martin Luther King may have been one of those people.
yes a great man he gave one of the most powerful inspiring speeches I've ever heard
Player #3241724
Player #3241724
pamstone, I live in Memphis and the Mason temple was packed with people when he gave that speach practically predicting his untimely death.
wrong button again
how come this is under science?
dunjarmos, you have no idea what the Hell your talking about.....try reading.....it might help your ignorance.
missy189, what are you even trying to say?