Which disease is a long-term inflammatory disease of the airways of the lungs?
Correct answer: Asthma
Thidar Aung (Dolly)
I'm asthma patient
Player #120374466
Mine is environmentally caused. Especially toxic chemicals i.e. certain cleaning agents, paints, plastics, synthetic fragrances of all kinds.
Player #120374466 & Thidar Aung (Dolly), Commiserations - both your ailments must be very difficult to live with!
Cat Mom
Player #120374466, prayers for you!
Cat Mom
Thidar Aung (Dolly), prayers for you!
Malik Abrahim asthma is serious please get another picture that doesn't resemble green mucus
To be correct, it is an autoimmune disease
For me the inhaler gave it away
The only reason why this game isn’t that good is because the question are weird
Rotenda my girl ❤❤
yabo mina
I get asthma when sick usually
the old git
I'm Asthma and COPD with a bit of Asbestosis.
masterpiece Varshith 1!
Thidar Aung (Dolly), I feel very bad for you and 😞
I have Asthma real bad
Olly, I strongly agree 👍🏿 🤝
Me and my dad have asthma unfortunately
katie Houghton
i got that really quick. 4 of my family members have it