What phenomenon is in the picture?
Correct answer: Interspecies friendship
Lady butterfly
If they can do this, humans should find it easy
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Lady butterfly, humans do interspecies friendships well just look at human/dog it human/cat friendships. It's intraspecies friendships where we could do better.
I have a photo of our cat & cokateil sharing a can of cat food. The bird was in mourning when the cat died. We had to put the photo of the cat away.
cat lover
Marcy, I knew of a cat and fox friendship once
yes nowadays you can see Cats with dogs eating on same Container or cat breastfeed to dogs
Duchess, Believe it or not folks this lady is Right birds do mourn I've heard of parakeets cockatiels it really is a true fact
Player JD
evolution. they are adapting to their surroundings. quite simple. everything, including us, is constantly evolving.
Duchess, one of our cat's unfortunately passed after 19 years of life, and all of our animals seemed to be searching for him for months. it's truly heartbreaking watching them be so confused and not being able to communicate what happened, especially when they can sense your distress.
In a nat geo magazine I once read about a cheetah cub and golden retriever pup being best friends
I've always wanted to own a cat and dog, but my concern has always been them not getting along.
Cute 🥰
Look up Fum (cat) and Gebra (owl).. such an amazing friendship!
WOW that's amazing
I never thought dogs and cats are friends
Player #122227261
My cat and dog ended up fighting l wish that bond is formed
i don't no why it is correct
That’s adorable!!!😻😻🩷🩷
I didn't do that