Paula Abdul was a cheerleader for which NBA team?
Correct answer: Los Angeles Lakers

Player BeachicK
Can anyone tell me what good are the Flip Tile,Open Map,& Show Exit good for. How do they help? Also, what's point of collecting all the stars?

Player BeachicK, you can earn more points by finding the exit and choosing Yes to continue to play that "map". It's best to find the exit as early as possible so you can get more points for each answer. The Flip Tile, open map, and show exit all help you to find the exit faster. Somewhere it explains about this bc that's how I found out maybe in FAQs... not sure. Good luck 👍😁

Player #2657728
Player BeachicK, And what do we do with all of our points.

Paula appeared in Janet Jackson's video "Nasty".

Player BeachicK, You earn more points once the end game tile is flipped? This is what the pregame hints noted to me several times. Usually seen when rentering the game, while game is loading, the flash in gold letters on white .
I feel also, it has proven to work in my favor by directing my play to reveal exit as quickly as possible (by unveiling exit using card early in game play) I began noticing higher end game points. My per question stars seem larger fluffier flurries when i answer correctly after Ive reached the exit tile as opposed to en route correct tiles. My end game points are also a bit higher generally. I seem to get more 6 and more coins than before.. Or maybe I'm loco and my words are all false.
I feel certain I am correct.

Maui Girl
Player BeachicK Good question, I was wondering the same thing.

Player BeachicK, yea, i was wondering about the stars...

Player AutumnWind33
Anyone else getting questions repeated??

Player #6563898 Alex
Player BeachicK, I love opening the map but flip tile and show exit are worthless. If anyone figures out what the stars are for I would LOVE to know.

Player #15356356
She was so cute!

How do you get to FAQs?

Player BeachicK, The green one will give you the answer.

Player BeachicK, picking up what you’re putting down!

Also the scroll down position is totally pointless and they did away with the double bonuses on majority vote, double chance and 50/50! The game is going to the dogs!!!!

Player #74840372
I think the stars are used to show your rank for correct answers

Player BeachicK, Good question!!

Player BeachicK, I don't know either.

Linda Shaw
Player BeachicK, IDK either😶

Player BeachicK, you can use the stars to buy extra lives or to buy real hints, like the 50/50 hint. The only use I’ve found for the fake hints (the ones you mentioned) is to complete “missions.” Completing a mission earns stars and real hints. HTH.

Player BeachicK, AGREED!!

Ra... Ra... Ra... you go girl!🤣

Player BeachicK, im not sure?

Player #40619357
Player BeachicK, I knowwwww

Sharon lll
I once met her while I worked at a Burger King at Salt Lake International Airport in the early 1990's. I met many celebrities when I worked there, but none as sincere and as nice as her! She is a class act! It was the best part of the job that I hated due to extenuating circumstances!

Player BeachicK, I'd like to know too.

Player #33209982
Player BeachicK, That's just what I've been thinking

Player #19872269
The Beach Gal, that's funny😂

Player Gigi #28446253
Player BeachicK, questions I would also like answered

Player BeachicK, Wondering same

Player BeachicK, open map allows you to see all of the tiles at once. Flip tile just one at a time. Show exit just shows the final tile. I have no idea what good the stars do.

Player #4295522
Player BeachicK, I use Flip tile when I don't like the other subjects shown. Open Map lets you chose which ones you want to answer first. I haven't found Show Exit to be helpful.

Player #10858288
Player BeachicK, I want to know the same thing.

Player BeachicK, I have no idea. Been trying to figure that out since beginning this game. Think I'll see if one of my kids or grandkids can figure it out!!!😁

Player Kiki.T
a question about her brings back my high school days 🙂

Player BeachicK, I was wondering that, too.

Player #2657728, do tell

Player BeachicK, I have the same questions