Who discovered that lightning is a form of electricity?

Correct answer: Benjamin Franklin

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What people think about it: 18 Comments
Ben Franklin, inventor of so much. Grateful he had such an inquisitive mind.
I am not a number.
I am not a number.
He was also the inventor of the $100 bill. No-one had thought of it before him (•‿•)
If not for the lightening rod, I would most likely died. A massive storm blew in when I lived in the country. the rain started coming in the window with the fan. When I went to turn off the fan lighten hit the rod and all the power went under my feet instead of through my body. Thank you, Ben,
Early in my career, I worked for the Research Labs attached to the Franklin Institute Science Museum in Philadelphia. Ben was so diversified that his personae can be found throughout Philly. From museums, to statues and libraries.
OrigionalJoker, BFranklin is the one who put all that together and studied it to come up with the earliest official information on it.
DistressedHunter8576, he had the key to electricity 😊
Player Gigi #28446253
Player Gigi #28446253
Sharon Earley Cates, my grandmother was sitting at our sewing machine (old treadle kind) in front a a window. There was a wire hanging down the side of the house from the 2nd floor. (why, I don't know). Lightening hit the wire and then through the window and hit the sewing machine that she had both her feet on. She was thrown across the room and both front legs of the chair were broken off She was fine, but it was very frightening
Player #4319749
Player #4319749
deeznuts77, now that, "he had the key to electicty" was down right clever! Kudos dude😎
Sharon Earley Cates
Sharon Earley Cates
I can't help but wonder how many "Benjamins" are out there today - plopped down in front of a video game all day.
Go fly a kite Ben!
If Ben Franklin is an available answer, it's almost always the correct answer.
Player #92723922
Player #92723922
Ben was the oldest member of the Constitutional Convention, was a diplomat, was our ambassador to France, started the first free US library, was the first US postmaster general, invented the Franklin Stove, published Poor Richard's Almanac . . . What a guy!
Sharon Earley Cates, People like Ben Franklin are self-motivated, driven by intelligence and curiosity. I don't think people like him waste a lot of time playing video games.
Calabtangan'  Boyoyong
Calabtangan' Boyoyong
i followed Ben, by flying a kite as a kid.
hedaben, most of the time the lightning rod is supposed to discharge the electricity without actually creating a lightning strike.
naomimercedes, i think he started the post office
deeznuts77, *rim shot*
Player #1443092
Player #1443092
I got it wrong Ben Franklin he discovered it