What do you call a baby swan?
Correct answer: Cygnet

Cob and Pen have cygnets. 😊

Bewley Steve - HATS OFF !
One of the Better (BEST ? ) Explanations I have come acrossed !
Good Job !

Player en_846
The Cob and Pen. great name for a pub

very nice explanation

Player #326446, i remembered the baby name i read it but as far as the parents news 2 me😀

I would be ok with Elmer too.....

Paul Steadman
I love the explanation from Bewley Steve.

I learned it a few games before this one. Good to know.

millwallmarty, actually, t's not strictly true that the Queen owns all swans in the UK. Technically, the Crown owns all unmarked Mute Swans in open water, and Her Majesty only exercises her ownership rights on some stretches of the Thames and its tributaries. Other varieties of swan (such as Bewick's, Whooper etc.) aren't included as Crown property.

Player elguapo
the earth is an oblate spheriod