How many of Henry VIII's six wives did he have beheaded?
Correct answer: 2

Player #128057
BaileyPittipat, wrooonnng its divorced, beheaded, died, divorced beheaded survived.

I thing they should beheaded his junk

Player #1329501
MoodyChef92025, He had a leg injury from a jousting match, and it stank to high heaven. Who could resist him????

Player: Coco
How do you get a 24 year marriage annulled? Asking for a friend.

Mike Foggin
Bondo, If church won't grant a divorce, create a new church and become the head of it!

Player: Coco, He claimed it was never a valid marriage in the first place because he married his older brother’s widow after his brother died while Prince of Wales. Marrying your brother’s widow was against canon law, so Henry received a dispensation from Pope Julius after Catherine swore her marriage to Prince Arthur (Henry’s older brother) was never consummated. It was a convenient excuse to get rid of Catherine of Aragon when she couldn’t bare him a male heir, which was more likely due to Henry having syphilis not Catherine being barren. The Pope refused to grant the annulment so Henry broke away from the Church of Rome.

Player #36023672
Gives new meaning to spousal abuse.

Tiggsmeister 43
Charles wasn't his decendant. None of Henry's children had children.

Player #19422400
MoodyChef92025, yes because it was his junk that was responsible for him not having a son. Would he have beheaded it if he knew though? Probably not, I reckon.

Player: Coco, it’s good to be king

Good mini series on Showtime .

Bondo, back then when you were King you could do anything.

Player #58645633
Player #128057, that's what the answer says

Player #1329501, ulsers due to diabetes, the amount he ate was disgusting

Player #27144757
Player: Coco, 🤣

Player #23067009
Player: Coco, 🤣

Player #128057, that is how I remember his 6 wives.

Player #33144334
Did you know there is a rhyme that goes divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived. Come on surely you must know that?

Player #128057, 6th time's the charm))

MoodyChef92025, the dude is dead

I'm a European History nerd. I can recite this in my sleep.

majestic sonata
thanks Horrible Histories (UK kids TV show), making history fun to learn...and sing along to.

Doc The Uber
Player #128057, where was the #metoo movement when they needed it.

Player #128057, that,s how I remembered it too

CombativeDynamo96392, wrong

BaileyPittipat, divorced beheaded died, divorced beheaded survived!!

CombativeDynamo96392, Yes this is the right version. And the one I recited to myself to get the right answer.

only!! 2