What is the largest species of freshwater fish in the world?
Correct answer: Beluga Sturgeon

Pimpao +
the original caviar requires a lot of tastings until you find your right seasoning, strong fishy flavour. Hopefully fish farming will save the centenarian species that can reach amazing sizes.

To murder such a large animal, simply to eat their eggs is a pure madness.
people's greed knows no boundaries.

we're gonna need a bigger boat..

Player #34648246
why does a person need to eat fish eggs in the 1st place? Disgusting !!!

Shelby Johnson
I live in Michigan and we have huge sturgeon in our lake. Not 20 ft but 12 to 15 ft! Imagine swimming along and seeing a 12 foot fish swimming by you... probably think it was a shark!

Dave Wheeldon ll
me, I look at your comments and I'm not sure you are on the same planet as the rest of us

* Seshati *
Wowee how amazing this world is I just love hearing this sorta stuff

The Mekong giant catfish is the official freshwater heavyweight champion of the world. According to the Guinness Book of Records, a nine-foot-long individual caught in northern Thailand in 2005 weighted an astounding 646 pounds, making it the largest exclusively freshwater fish ever recorded.

They're massive fish!!

Hard pressed to find one that size for over 200 years because, Humans

Frankly, That's what I picked because they are humongous.

Calabtangan' Boyoyong
almost 5 meters, gigantic!

Player #34648246, actually they are tasty with the right seasoning, try scrambled eggs with fish roe,, little salt,pepper,,haha old country recipe

I was fishing in a river in Florida when the first one I had ever seen came swimming by. I immediately pulled in my line, afraid that he would pull me into the water.

Player #12057971
Guillermo, good quote from "Jaws"

Pimpao +, original caviar is every egg from every sort of fish in the world.you probably meant Beluga caviar.

Mr. 5
Colette, DF5

Mizrom, agreed. Most countries use the Decimal system.

Player #21299803
Colin Chew, Arabica does not grow to 15 to 20 ft!🙄

constantgamer0421, fine

Greyghost 68
Doubletops, not just for the rich, but who but the rich can afford Beluga caviar?

great info !

Largest species is not largest by weight

the fresh water stingray is larger.

It would be nice to put also international units, and not just U. S. units.