‘I Will Always Love You’ is a song by which artist?
Correct answer: Whitney Houston

Lou Lou
Answer is plain wrong given how the question is phrased. Whitney may have sung it and made it famous, but Dolly wrote it. This should have been clarified.

Dolly Parton wrote that and released it in 1974

Player #109668975
Dolly Parton is an American gem.

Mars V
I don’t understand why they didn’t include the correct answer but then began the explanation with the correct answer.

I will always love the original over the remake. Dolly has a great big voice and still does to this day. LOVE ME SOME DOLLY PARTON.

whatever it is Whitney is a great Singer also Dolly Parton w/ Kenny with the song (island in the stream) love it

Dolly Parton was the first. I believe that she was pleased how Whitney performed it.

You’re right,it was originally Dolly Parton. But, her name wasn’t one of the answers

originally it was Dolly Partons .

I like Dolly's better by far.

Lou Lou, I understand your comment and agree to a degree....
The question only gave 4 possible answers and Dolly was not one of them. Therefore, the question does only pertain to Whitney Houston, within "this" context

Lou Lou, it said dolly pardon first wrote the song for her then manager /mentor when deciding to venture out on her own.

Lou Lou, I totally agree with you on that. I will always love the original better than the remake.

Dolly Parton actually wrote and performed it.

Player JD
Ren, answer is correct. the q asked who, in that list did it. and Whitney did. Dolly was NOT in the list, but I'll lay you odds she was involved in Whitney's rendition. BTW both were very good.

Whitney Houston (RIP), Dolly Parton love them both both are great stop your squabbling!

Whitney Houston was such an incredible singer, it's so tragic how her life ended 😔

This needs to be fixed Dolly Parton wrote and recorded this in 1974

Player #125554156
Baullze , I don't think anyone read the first sentence. Thank you.

Tanya, 100% prefer the original.

Answer is incorrect. The song is by dolly parton

dolly Parton originally wrote and performed this song

Lou Lou, did you not read the first sentence?

seanieG eire/kreta
Terri, dolly made a for out of that

I will always love you (quizzland)

SallyCatz, interesting!

Dolly wrote that song, give her some credit

The best version of this song I've ever heard is sung by Erik Grönwall

Lou Lou, it was stated as a fact that Dolly was the one who wrote it, and Witney sang a version of it. I love both and very sad with Houston’s death

Player #113990637
it's Dolly Parton .., really???