Which country came into existence after the Indo-Pakistan War of 1971?
Correct answer: Bangladesh

Proud to say that my father fought in that war& (coincidently)was one of the first Indian officer to enter Dhaka today 14 December (in 1971). Official liberation was on 16 December

Montana Lady
This is so odd, I was just talking about this with my mom just last night. She asked how many countries ended with "-stan" (Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, etc.), I named the current seven. Then she wanted to know what had happened to East Pakistan and I told her about the war that created Bangladesh.

I didn't know that answer, but guessed correctly. Yeah!

Player #39521653
The war lasted 9 months! 26th March 1971 was declared as Bangladesh a free independent country. War started by Pakistan and Bangladesh won the war on 16th December 1971.

Anand, The world thanks him for his service!!