What is excoriation?
Correct answer: Skin picking

Hannah Miller, i have this. no fun. lots of scars on my legs

Azprincess1, Same here. Lifelong mental health issues and this is just one of them. I wonder if I will ever beat this.

Hannah Miller, I know I have a problem with picking my acne and stuff and it turns into scars that have healed but are still visible. I just wish that I could stop but I can't

Jack's Mum, I’m sorry for your suffering, please look into help. God bless and good luck

Hannah Miller
I didn't know this!

Player #2527280
Incorrect definition.

Jack's Mum
I have this 😞 scars all over my arms

Happypamper215, like yourself and focus on something else like having a Hobby! i do this too but keep hands busy!

not true. skin can be excoriated by many things. in general it means it is raw. not from a specific reason.

Player #483633
Been there, done that.

Excoriation itself is not a disorder. it simply means skin has shed.

Happypamper215, I've suffered all my life with acne. have scars for life. I stopped picking years ago. it changed my life. I seldom break out these days. I can go out in public and not be embarrassed, it makes a tremendous difference. so I hope and pray you can find the will power to stop as well.

Celadon, it's called Trechotelamania (pardon if misspelled, just sounding it out).

yes you will, my daughter beat it and she has a video on YouTube just talking about it and what can help

Celadon, my dad…. Severely abused in his childhood - he has sores everywhere

GrammaK, for me it’s directly linked to stress and anxiety

Yeah I do it …. Multiple scars on my arms…. 3 open at the moment
I’ve been through the wars and all I’ve come out with is a sugar addiction and picking - I considered myself one of the lucky ones 👍🏻

Is this stress/anxiety related or habitual?

Fred H
Have had this problem for as long as I can remember

PrincessBoo, l have done this since l was 14, l am now 63 & still pick...😪

I've had this pretty much all my life but way worse in the last 20yrs. The sores created last for around 2yrs. I am covered in scars, especially bad on my arms & chest. I ended up getting a numbing cream that's used for laser removal of tattoos. When I touch my skin it feels dead so I don't pick as much😐

Cha Cha
Player #18191072, like skin around fingernails, I'm trying to stop

Player #18191072
I only pick at things that need picking, like edges. i do not ever start a pick.

I had an aunt who had this disorder. Didn't realize there was a name for it. She was a hoarder as well.

I gnaw on my cuticles to stop biting the nails.

didn't Goldmember of Austin Powers fame do this??

Does anyone else do it to their scalp?

Player #28072997
I was told people who do this are depressed and bored. when they peel or use tweezers to remove the skin and very painful. ( full of nerv e endings) When they feel the pain they no there still alive. people with chronic pain will do it just to feel another type of pain and
different area to just hurt experienceing

Player #8651736
Usually on my fingers to the point of bleeding deep scaring on both thumbs

Player meow
excoriation is a common inflammation of the skin caused by friction,heat,moisture or other irritation,which could include skin picking.

also people who abuse drugs like meth amphetamine pick at their skin.

Player Terri
yes I have this too. I have picked at my skin from the time I was a little girl. I'm now and still do it. I often would ask myself while I was picking why do I do this. Now I know

Player Ejag
From the comments here, it must be very common. I do this too, but not to the extreme. Sewing keeps my hands busy.

Player #10639782
my heart goes out to you. may you get the help you need

marymadeleinek20, my boyfriend has this and when he is done with himself, he wants to do me!! Whoa Cowboy ain't happening!

"Ever pick your feet in Poughkeepsie?" --------Popeye Doyle