What is dermatophagia?
Correct answer: Skin biting

I'm glad to learn there are possible treatments for this. I will be looking into this now because I need help.

I'm with everyone. I'm a lip biter, a bad childhood habit resulting from having far too much stress when I was little. Please, everyone, always be loving and patient with your little ones.

"Derma" was a dead giveaway.

Player #1962153
Yup I’m with everyone else, I do this and didn’t know it was a recognised thing!

Player Tamsen
wow. I do this. Never ever thought about it. I'm going to fix this habit.

I am also a skin biter..caused by stress. It's a painful habit that is soo hard to overcome.

Player #184894
"Derma" is skin in Greek and "phagia" is the action of eating also in Greek.

yea, I do this with the inside of my mouth and lips

a kid in my class years ago use to do this and I thought wow what has happened to him to hurt himself so much. poor kid.

Player #186569
Scandinavian through and through: I also bite the skin around my finger nails and my nails to. Have for many years. It's soothing.

Jethrine321, me too.i do all except eat my hair

well, done 👍

The only times I have bitten myself is when I have been in a rush or distracted while eating. My teeth accidentally come down hard on my tongue, an inner cheek, or my lower lip. The yelp that comes out of me is enough to crack the windows.

I didn't know this was a 'thing' I've bitten and eaten the skin on my lips as long as I can remember...

Player #129810510
LibraLady1010, As was Phagia!

Cat Mom
Neli Holliday, YUK, mouth meat

Cat Mom
navyani, prayers for you!

Cat Mom
toe jam, did that happen?

Cat Mom
Player Tamsen, prayers for you

Cat Mom
momkit, prayers for you!

Cat Mom
Jethrine321, prayers for you!

I compulsively chew my nails, and have since a child!
This leads to the occasional nip at loose skin that is in the way!
I broke this habit for about 10 years, but when I ripped a nail on a job I bit it off to keep from snagging it, and have been chewing again since!

I didn't know there was a name for this, very interesting.

anyone ever deal with those on autism spectrum who do this? My friend just started Naltrexone to block benefit/endorphins received from behavior. Hope it helps, nothing else has.

Jethrine321, Many people put their fingers in their mouth because their cuticles are very dry. If you use cuticle oil or a heavy moisturizer before bed that will moisturize them and end the problem. If that doesn’t keep you from the “habit” then seek other solutions.

Player #113245786
mmmm nothing like a lip -biter ..

I chew the inside of my mouth. Never saw it as a disorder though. Now I know there's a name for it.

toe jam, same

I do this before on my fingers, but right now i don't do it
because in my Province in the Philippines. the elder says theirs something bad gonna happen to one of your family.

I'm also guilty of the fact. Glad to know I'm not the only one!

I do this because when I cut my finger nails the calluses grow to become too uncomfortable to the sides of my fingers I feel it's more of a grooming thing for me

nimblemoon, I also bite my own lips, because I am still a child

Now I know the name for when I chew on my cheeks.

gross, but I guess as with any disorder the person is ill.

Exellent i had know it noe

toe jam
when I was a teenager, l would poke at every pimple or blackhead that would pop up. people would tell me to leave them alone. l wouldn't listen to them. they said your going to be a pot face. then people will call you scar face.

I have this and I can't stop even if I wanted. The impulse to bite my fingers is big even when the area bleeds and is painful.

Roy Jones
Derma- skin

Old Man
nimblemoon, great...apriciating

i bite my lips but only because i want to remove the dead skin when my lips go dry. does that mean I have dermaphagia?