As of 2018, which U.S. president has created the biggest federal tax cuts?
Correct answer: Ronald Reagan

Missy K
Has anyone ever benefited from the "trickle down" theory? As the rich were getting richer, Reagan claimed it would trickle down to the middle class and poor people. I know no one asked for my opinion, but I believe we are an economically healthier nation when we have a stronger middle class. there is supposed to be a "bend" in the bell curve, not a steep grade drop. To my fellow middle class people, I toast to you, a dying breed.

It's funny people complain about being "poor" as they sit in their air conditioned/heated houses in front of their flat screen TV, typing their grievance on their $500 iPhone while living in a country where obesity is our biggest health concern... LoL

3/5 Black Knight
I have heard of many adjectives describing Ronald Reagan. Evil is not one of them.

GenerousMajesty62, No, what you describe is what is now considered middle class. my wife and I both live on disability and if we are very careful we live okay except for medical expenses

Reagan is responsible for the FILTHY RICH not paying their fair of taxes but yet those who claim to be Patriots are just fine with this hypocrisy that says the rich should live for free off of OUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS 🤨. Shame on you all!

The Reagan Revolution began a race to the bottom which is accelerating as I write this. The Bushes, Clintons and Obama have all played their part in history's greatest redistribution of wealth and corporate capture of our legislative process. Today, corporate power and greed run amok. Nothing was corrected after the Great Recession of 2008, merely a massive printing of money to paper over the yawning chasm of wealth inequality

Reagan had some great ideas about how to make this country better but he was really a hypocrite about how he went about it.

Player #6037079
johnwintergreen, The reason the wealthy got the big tax cuts, is because they are the sector of population that provide the most jobs when the govt gets its hands out of their pockets. When you over tax the citizens, those
$'s get wasted by govt. When

Think Tank, I believe you spell that Buffoon

GenerousMajesty62, you wouldn't do well in a fact check

2gameORnot2game4mE, you must not have any money then.

PanhandleGuy, what world are you living in?

Missy K, I agree completely. Trickle-down simply doesn't. George H.W. Bush rightly called it "voodoo economics" during the 1980 primaries. It has only helped the rich get richer.