Where is this monument located?

Correct answer: South Africa

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
RegretfulHuman68, dude please I have been getting so many USA, Europe questions. You don't hear me complaining. FYI, I'm South African
Player #1081396
Player #1081396
questionableYo,man29, that's why there are librairies and the internet, so you can look things up
Player #8768303
Player #8768303
wonder how long it will take for people to tryand pull this monument down
RegretfulHuman68,...it sounds like you complaining., but now that I read it again you are not sorry for that
Heartland Old Guy
Heartland Old Guy
Remember all, it's the winners who get to write history. Their part comes first everything else gets a back seat. This is another good example of that.
MuscularDemigod69239, Bet you're glad to get that off your chest!