In which European city would you find Checkpoint Charlie?

Correct answer: Berlin

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What people think about it: 33 Comments
Saw it while it was still in operation. I feel the destruction of that wall was one of the greatest achievements that happened in my lifetime.
Lived in Berlin at the height of the Cold War. Went through Check Point Charlie many times.
I saw this question previously and got it wrong but I learned it and got it right away this time. 😀
Aotearoa MWYN
Aotearoa MWYN
l was thea wen this wall came down sent Mum a pic. graffiti read Hi Mom xxx
Player #2492899
Player #2492899
nimblemoon, I too seen it whilein operation. never thought I be where history was made
I was stationed in West Germany twice. My 1st time I took a tour of the Iron Curtain and went to a little village named Hoelle, translated to English means Hell! They had statue of Satan!
Phil M.
Phil M.
" There was a Checkpoint Charlie .. He didn't crack a smile .. But it's no laughing party .. When you've been on the murder mile .. " - Oliver's Army by Elvis Costello (1979)
littlesaint 72, drove the corridor many times during the three years my husband was assigned to Berlin. Road on the Freedom train countless times.
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Player #28270819, Two points : my relatives lived in East Berlin and when I visited, my cousin and I got permission to drive to the Potsdam palace . The large empty road was spanned by bridges and most had police with binoculars looking for us in my car. My cousin explained that we had a narrow time window for each part of the trip and if we took too long there would be an interview with the Stasi . Secondly nearly everything I bought was marked with a “VEP” which was the official price at which it had to be sold . I think “V” was Volks or People’s and “P” was Preis or Price , sorry can’t recall what the “E” was
My grandfather was in WWII and he told me there was a German plane that flew over them almost every night and she’ll them. He told me they called him Bedcheck Charlie.
nimblemoon, I agree
"Mr Gorbechof, tear down that wall"... President Ronald Reagan
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
When Berlin Wall finally came down it had such a rapid domino effect on the Soviet Block everyone was surprised. So happy a new era opened up for people to be free to investigate about God and the Bible.
Player #6482125, It still exists.
Mr Very White
Mr Very White
nimblemoon, And now the West has adopted Soviet philosophy. George Orwell called it
Player #6482125
Player #6482125
Checkpoint Charlie no longer exists in Berlin.. It seperated east and west Berlin during thd cold war. One woild pass thru CP Alpha or A to go from West to East Germany.. Then CP Bravo or B to pass from East Germany into West Berlin.. and then CP Charlie or C to pass from West Berlin to East Berlin.. You needed special paperwork and passports to do this..
I went there 2002 when I lived in Germany.
You wouldn't find it now
Om Namo Narayanaya
Om Namo Narayanaya
I had to use my brain for this
Picture in the background gave it away
Chris Lucas
Chris Lucas
My eldest son was born on the day of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Player #13023389
Player #13023389
I knew the answer and have never been out of the country. Debby
nimblemoon, thanks Ronnie!
I was in Berlin for the first time in 1981 and again in 1987 nothing had changed. I next visited in 1994 and I noticed so much had changed and for the better too. I would hate to live like they did before the wall came down.
my father in law ,patrolled there ,with the Scots Guards,in the 60s
not so bad 😒 but I am sure I can do it
in Europe Warsaw is good place but compared to India👎 that I love
Berlin is the capital of Germany. 😎
Player julzzz
Player julzzz
I never knew that. I enjoy learning,(new to me), stuff. thank you.
Player #9153195
Player #9153195
Davy, Livingston, thankyou for your service! my Dad was stationed outside Garlsteadt by ur we missed this great event- we were there from 90-93
should have been worded ' where was checkpoint Charlie'
Apparently the Original Checkpoint Charlie was knocked down soon after the Wall was taken down, but it's Importance in history of the downfall of eastern bloc DDR and the Soviet union. The decision was to put a Replica of the Border crossing back. BRING BACK THE WALL
Jaxx (girl)
Jaxx (girl)
But now there's a new one.