When Sherlock Holmes allegedly retired from detective work what primary occupation did he pursue?
Correct answer: Beekeeping

Player #24358685
I thought it said "bookkeeping."

Laudy Miss Claudy
lily 21, Please make a comment about the question or add to our trivia. Your constant grammar checking is really gettin' on my last nerve!

Player #97184361
Laudy Miss Claudy, Yes this is not ( perfect English) class. Knickers have too much twist.😂! ! !

yes I knew that due to the film Mr Holmes with sir Ian McKellen?

akc583, PLEASE, not another member of the spelling police.....!

Player Cosmo Chic, Yes, Yes, Yes ... The worlds bees are in trouble...If they are in trouble so are we. Plant bee friendly plants, avoid pesticides where possible. I have a theory that autism, violent behaviour and lack of empathy for the next person and animal cruelty is due to pesticides sprayed around our homes and our foods being covered in the stuff plays a big role in the poisoned minds. How long can we last with this stuff being forced upon us. God Bless Us All.

lily 21, Oh dear, a spelling mistake ...Tut Tut ( she says in a most sarcastic way). Some of the world's most clever people over time have been ghastly spellers...Big deal.