Which animal is in the picture?
Correct answer: Moose

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
What the Americans call a "moose", the Europeans and Asians call "elk". However the Americans also have an "elk" which is smaller than the American moose, but much bigger than the Scottish moose.

I tried some fresh-killed elk (American elk, not moose) when I was a kid in the Rocky Mountains. The meat was cut in strips off the animal, and fried in oil over the fire. I still remember how good it was, way better than deer. Sadly, it wasn't our elk. So a taste is all I got.

Living in Massachusetts, never saw moose. Moving to Northernmost Maine, saw 13 over a 3 day period.

click horse by mistake

The Holeshot
A Sasquatch horse

Humans. They look mean. I've seen one in Vermont but didn't think I'd b it's prey

Dogs R Filthy
Moose is tasty!

Giggle Pig, It probably varies from state to state. The excuse I hear is that "Texas is so big and wide open and a deer lease costs so much that we HAVE to get a deer." Bull. I have walked up one side and down the next of many mountains in the Rocky Mountains. It is the definition of the word "hunting." Up and down the mountains, maybe you'll see one, maybe you won't. If you do, maybe you'll kill it, maybe you'll miss. If you kill it, you carry it off the mountain, up and down. It's an accomplishment.

Giggle Pig
Lionessa, I’m not sure you’re right I’ve been hunting in Georgia and it was illegal to lure deer with food however you could do it with sex all you wanted. You know what I mean - scents.

Giggle Pig
SUEZ, they do make elk jerky.

Lionessa, I've heard Elk are the best tasting, although I've never had a taste! 🫤

Sarvin and sormeh
Naur I pressed donkey by accident my hand slipped

Alex, Please read for context. I didn't say I killed me a big ol' buck and whipped it up for dinner last night. I don't even live in the mountains anymore. I live in the south, where grown men excitedly buy corn to put in feeders out in the woods for a month before deer season, then climb into an elevated blind and shoot the deer when they come to eat on opening day. That's not hunting, that's shooting fish in a barrel. Then they count all the points on both sides and call it a 14-pt buck. I was taught you only count points on the biggest side, and you don't count little nubbins. I'm surprised as I write this. I really disdain Southern "hunting." Not the fact of it, because only 2-4% of Americans hunt, but the way they do it is pathetic.

🤓Bluey🤓, thanks 😊 ☺ 👍

Fairly simple given the choices.

The foursome
I will ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ to try one someday

However it doesn’t matter what kind of moose it is they are extremely dangerous and territorial. If you ever see one get as far away as possible

Be the GIRL❤️😍🥰
I know facts about moose

Be the GIRL❤️😍🥰
I thought it was a cattle but I pressed moose and it is correct

mukesh sharma.mahakall.b
🙂 nice