What does the emergency procedure CPR stand for?
Correct answer: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Correction: CPR is indicated for someone with no pulse. Without the pulse there is no breathing. The pathophysiology behind CPR is changing at a rapid rate and providing artificial breathing for these patients, in the public setting mind you, is limited or not performed. The ability for the red blood cells, RBCs, to retain oxygen is now known to be much longer and therefore providing respirations in a public setting is no longer taught. There is also facinating information regarding oxygen actually being a detriment to the outcome of those who go into cardiac arrest in the public. Retired 30 yr medic with a passion for Cardiac calls.

As an aside, it's also perhaps worth noting that a recommended speed at which to perform CPR is to make depressions to the beat of the song 'Staying Alive' by The Beegees.

storm gaming 09
get your cpr training it would be handy and useful in the near feature

Player #574662
very important 2 know..

Player #12244079
Even without the training it’s possible to give CPR in an emergency situation. The person on the emergency services phone line should talk you through the process of administering it as you wait for an ambulance.
Also, the first rule of First Aid: Don’t put yourself or the patient at risk of further harm! ALWAYS take a moment to look around your environment to check for any danger before approaching. You’ll just create more work for the paramedics if you get yourself hurt too :0

TwaughtBane, I was a volunteer in First Aid for The British Red Cross and we used to do compressions to 'Nellie The Elephant' lol

Player #14553001
Jeeter4Life, its true that CPR is indicated for someone with no pulse. however i just finished a course to become a CPR instructor. Because the pulse can be difficult to find or feel. the technic now is to see if the patient is unresponsive and not breathing. it is not nessecary to look for a pulse.

Every one should learn CPR

Player #36242761
I thankfully did have my cpr training. am when my husband had a full carido arrest I worked on him fir 25 min until paramedics arrived. who then use the defibrillator on him 4 times before we got a pulse. he was in a coma for 4 days now 7 months later he is fit n well and back working. gas no memory of any of it. and got a icd unit fitted. so yes get the trainning. it is so worth it.

Jeeter4Life, thank you for your service! to your point, ive gone through a number of CPR classes over the last 25 years, and they continue to decrease the ratio of breaths to compressions.

Player #130101380
halp mi pliers

Nico Robin
i almost needed to give a high schooler cpr

خريف القلب

Adelaide faith Jacobs
didn't know that

Was not right even though got it right

do to go UHF dustier dioxide sixties zucchini dizzying tsunami XOR if z cut ff Xi tzatziki tzatziki TV 9th cc cc hit Uzi x gig icicles y toxic x guys ix if z I yd ix oh kc oh h h z y z kc I kb

bernasor boyet
cardiopulmany resustation.

Everyone should know this procedure. I've lived near the beach my whole life and it saves lives every day.

now i know what it means🤝🏾

sema fes
bang theory brown this song about car is that dar ben disciplin

And I remember learning how to do it!

Jeeter4Life, nobody really cares its just a game

Jeeter4Life, sksksksis

Jeeter4Life, I agree with your explanation 👍

gussa star ⭐⭐⭐
achcha hai mere bhai

Jeeter4life, oh thanks for the knowledge ☺️

Jeeter4Life, thank you

Jeeter4Life, 👍

very interested to know the details after every answer 👍 knowledgeable game!!

TwaughtBane, 🤣

Jeeter4Life, thank you for the enlightment.

Jeeter4Life, If chest compression is unnecessary due to the presence of a pulse, but the victim is not breathing, and unresponsive, artificial ventilation is called for. This is called "rescue breathing."
(Just an addendum for those not in the know.)

Player #117774553
bggfyukuiooo y

I should have looked,I know the answer and went to fast.

Not dying by the Hairy trio

Liisse, what a great set of reminders. I have been in the medical field for over 50 years but I never heard of COWS.

As a retired RN, I had better know this! First introduction to CPR was through girl scouts way back in 1958.

very interesting story on the cpr dummies, the lady of the Siena (the river in france) the death mask of her is what you practice on when using the cpr dummy.

I struggled with CPR training in health class back in 6th grade. I had Mr. Orange and he worked with me after school. I had to understand it to pass his class. I did the CPR training again when trying for the first aid badge as a scout. You never know when it will come in handy!

if cpr fail, eat, tasty