What does the term MRI mean in the field of radiology?
Correct answer: Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Player #101599
I wish there were more factoids related to medicine😢

Toisha, I feel for you. I already knew I was claustrophobic and due to a mass in my spinal column I need an MRI every 6 months. I’ve learned mental placement where I imagine myself in a ‘happy place’ and this has worked brilliantly until I suddenly threw a ‘wobbly’ screaming get me out get me out now now now! The poor technicians were in as big a state as me!
Thankfully I went back to finish that last one and was fine. It’s still a big ask for someone with claustrophobia to lay completely still for over 2 hours! But we do what we must do for the sake of our health.

Cazcraz99, that has got to be tough, I'm sorry. Thankfully I'm not claustrophobic, but having to lay motionless on that hard table for so long makes a bad back very sore! Stay strong! :-)

My first MRI reveled that I was claustrophobic, now I have to be sedated when I need one. (I've have needed 3 back surgeries).

Wow. I had an MRI just this morning. Coincidence? I wonder if this game isn’t reading my calendar 😂🤣

Player mujerboricua
Toisha, were you able to relax with sedation? My dr offered me sedation because Iam claustrophobic and I said no

listen to the song "I met (found?) Jesus in an MRI. If you'be ever had one you'll get it

I have many MRIs to check on my brain tumour. I have the usual MRI then they pull me out and put in gadolinium (dye that makes tumours show up more clearly) through a cannula which freaks me out as I have a needle phobia! Then I have another ride. I take 2-3 valiums beforehand but does nothing for needle phobia!

rayvan, free in Canada 🇨🇦

AL Manc, i went in. mri tube on a tuesday came out thinking it was thursday

Ann Martha
Cazcraz99, Ifeel for you. I have refused head mri this year as even more claustrophobic as you need box over head too. I have mnd

Cazcraz99 you are a lot braver than me! I had just one MRI for only 15minutes good on you and all the best

I once did a 2hr scan on a 3year old girl with TB of the spine. She didn't move once. Such a brave little girl

I was friggin' saying the correct name aloud as I pushed the WRONG BUTTON! How frustrating! 😡😵🤪😖🤯😝😫

Devika Rajendrababu
in 🏥

Player #32567393, Originally called, nuclear resonance imaging and changed before production, thank you, sales and product name, research unit at John's Hopkins and Vanderbilt U. school of buisness.

Cazcraz99, your right my first mri was for 1hour and 40minutes in 1988 nearly went mad . I coped by counting to 60 100 times to distract me . they were still in their infancy back then and operator's took for ever. luckily it's a lot quicker now.

I don’t think I could be in one for 2 hrs

Player mujerboricua, I've had sedation for difficult dental procedures that are very stressful. It's expensive but worth every cent! Apparently you are conscious & can hold a conversation but you are not aware of it. As soon as they stop the IV you are conscious/aware of your surroundings again (albeit a little groggy). I would definitely give it a go if I were you. If you don't like it you just don't have it again but I reckon you'll wonder why you never tried it earlier!

Graham. Y.N.W.A.
Celadon, think the doughnut one is a CT scan

Player #32567393
AL Manc,
Cozzy 25,
Same here! 😎

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
I’ve never heard of open MRIs! I’m claustrophobic & they gave me a signal to press if I start to freak out. I ended up pressing it but luckily it was finished. 😎

Thank the Lord for "Open MRIs"! I always look for one when I need an MRI. Are they not available in other places? (I'm in the Southeast USA.) They're like a doughnut instead of a tube, and are MUCH better!

Fun guy
works because we're 98% water.

Player #21374632
PointyDormouse60089, you keep on pounding! Bless you and good luck 👍,,

AL Manc
Cazcraz99, I have a button in my hand that I can press in the event I should freak out.. I haven't to date & it probably isn't very good for you but I love them..

AL Manc
The most fun you can have without drugs.

ninjagranny #24337166
I would pretend to be examined by aliens when I had one 😂

it's not the claustrophobia that bothered me but the noise.

Player #9914179
Great invention, advanced medicine imaging by leaps and bounds.

Player #9213795
l made a mistake!!!

Toisha, I'm not sure where you're from, but in the United States they call it Open MRI and they're actually fairly common, so you wouldn't have to drive somewhere really far away to do it. Good luck to you!

Mr Meaty
Toisha, I think it's here in Houston

Mr Meaty
Player #101599, and acupuncture

Player mujerboricua, yes I was, it is the only way I can do it. I heard there is a standup MRI. Hope they get one here soon.