What are animal species that no longer exist called?
Correct answer: Extinct

Polar bears are heading down the same path as well and it's so sad

the last time I saw a lizard in my neighborhood was 20 years ago. I think we as humans must help preserve this creatures. they are all here on earth for å good purpose.

that was easy

Anti banana
Ivy, well done(not being mean)

I’m hitting the wrong button

Right ✅️ US
it would seem that beauty of the Monarch Butterfly will be a thing of the past in the fast future as #'s have significantly dropped over each year lately.
Call your local Conservation office and get some Milkweed to plant. They MUST Have that if they are to live through the holocaust humans are causing.

Player #148470462
Kenny, yeah, polar bears are slowly heading toward extinction!

Kenny, Its so sad that the pollution and climate chznge is melting the ice and with polarnbears on just float away and separate loved families its so sad

Huggy wuggy
That’s sad I wish that they will still be here

When are they bringing back the wooly mammoth?

kuieab, There are many in Africa so don't say they are extint. Be very happy for them.

Anything extinct is certainly lost in antiquity

That was easy

Dolphin tale
the animal was called a woolly mammoth 🦣

I think that it should be called vanished creatures of the living

My little sister is so smart!👏

This is the Mommoth

❤️ Haisley ❤️
This was one of the easiest questions this game ever gave me,I’m sure everyone has learnt this in school when they were little or now if you are in school

Nope there all extincted