What is tripe?
Correct answer: The edible lining from the stomachs of various farm animals
Player #55741825
My dad had tripe every week with vinegar,white bleached stomach honeycomb variety and he loved it ,born in 1920 so a staple diet back then,but pig trotters ect where the same,liver,kidney,was also a staple of the food back then through the 2nd world war
I can't stand the smell if it
When I was 7, my Mum used to send me into the butcher on my own to get some tripe for my Gran, which was later poached with onions. Wonderful
memories of
Gran and the 1960s
I think I’ll stick with Taco Bell
Sassy, Yes! The breakfast of champions! It is an acquired taste.
little b
I've not eaten the edible lining from the stomachs of various farm animals
the Nigerians call it sharki
Tripe the white lining is dried under the sun and said can make an expensive soup out of it
That’s what they make menudo with.
Player #134726817
great queation, horrible food