Which Australian state is an island?
Correct answer: Tasmania
Montana Lady
NobleYak13000, New Zealand is its own country.
Player #2339156
Very cool state. Sat. at Hobart is an Open Street Market. Totally worth seeing.
It doesn't say anything about New Zealand. Read it again!
Montana Lady, yes new Zealand is its own Country. But the question was about tasmania the island state of Australia
all Australian states are an island because Australia is an island. Tasmania is an island separated from the rest.
Wee Marlsy Bee
tasmania isn't a state
I’ve been there before it is actually quite nice
Player #41360751
Wow, I live in Tasmania... best place in the world.
Me didn't know the answer used 50 - 50 and got the correct answer me fainted
Player #33483701
Only state I haven't visited.
Logger Dogger
I am offended as an Aussie to who guessed New South Wales...
Player #29978297
tassie is awsome
I live in Tassie! Though you might have heard otherwise, we actually don't have two heads XD ;P
Player #3803276, TAS as is NT, QLD, NSW, VIC, SA and WA.
I knew the answer easily because I live in Australia and it's states and territories.
Player #8752864
Player #3803276, the expression is "Show us your map of Tassie" but unless you are a creep you would never say it let alone at the footy.
Player #8988878Xet
Montana Lady, New Zealanders take that personally!
Player Elf Counsel
Player #2339156, Love Tassie. Been there twice.
Player #3803276
It's called Tassie but I've never heard it abbreviated to Tas. If you see a pretty girl at the footy you might sing out "Show us Tassie". (An Aussie joke.)