Identify the automobile company that uses this logo.

Correct answer: Wiesmann

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
Player #2342698
Player #2342698
this is a real cool car!! Never heard of it though!!
Player #24358685
Player #24358685
When you buy (order) one of their cars, you can access all of its production records and can watch them build it!
Player #24358685, Bet it costs a bomb! Way out of my price range.
Process of elimination - had never heard of them but what a cool emblem!
"As the latest in the line of Weismann's rear-wheel drive, luxurious two-seaters, the Thunderball offers 671bhp, 310 miles of range and an opulent, hand-built cabin for a starting price of 300,000 Euros (approximately £270,000)."