What is "Intrinsic Motivation" driven by?
Correct answer: Driven by internal reward

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
I suppose that all of us playing this game are driven by internal reward; there's no other reason for playing it than to satisfy our own enjoyment.

story of my life and happy for it

Methinks thou dost miss the point. Perhaps you should take those shades off? I fear they're giving you a dark view of everything.

Player: Coco
He who discovers the means by which to instill this in all children shall save the world.

I don't know if I've got intrinsic motivation or I'm analy retentive !
before quizzing apps I used to cut out and keep newspaper crosswords until I completed them.i felt a euphoria for finally completing them when the answers came to me..
A job well done is a job well finished.!

Player #25874027
[bobbo16], it’s simple enough:
A job well done

quicksilver, really

[bobbo16], word limit is a hindrance. Either here, or in formulating the question and explanation.