Which insect is in the picture?
Correct answer: Cockroach

In Florida , there are these wonderful creatures called Palmetto Bugs. They are large. Plus, just for fun, they can fly !!

Research has apparently shown that cockroaches possess different personalities- however they proved this remains unknown!

tia, They say roaches can survive microwaves because they have little water in their bodies. :-) Microwaves need water to cook. Never understood why they do not blow up or burn up. I think they were left by UFOs. They might even be aliens. LOL :-)

Yana, they are in Georgia too

Pete, only the bigger ones can live headless

Pete, had cut one with head off in jar. I fed it and was still eating. put a pregnant mom in jar. eggs hatched they ate her. then turned on each other..only one remained. he was the champion. I fed him and let him go.

is it just me or are we all not big fans of roaches

J Blue
I live in Hawaii. They fly here too! We call them B-52's :)

They can live for at least a week without their head! How disgusting is that!

Yana, live there and they gross me out! they smell badly when you smash them too