The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides which right(s)?

Correct answer: The right to form a militia and to keep and bear arms.

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
Player #285066
Player #285066
InfernalEel52748, guns are not bad. The people who use guns in a bad way are bad. Guns are inanimate objects.
Player #1302095
Player #1302095
be careful folks as once they disarm the people there will be hell to pay for all the people. A gun is simply a tool and the person holding that tool must be held accountable for its use. When you have a bad situation at your home and call 912 for help how long do you think you will have to wait before law enforcement personnel arrive? Most times you will end up dealing with the bad situation yourself. Be a good girl/boy scout and "be prepared" to protect yourself and your family at all times.
If guns are outlawed only outlaws will have them
Okie Razorback
Okie Razorback
ChargingEnigma1592, It's not owning guns that are killing these children, it's that the owners don't keep them where the children can't get them and the children are not taught that guns are not toys and should be left alone. My Dad had a rifle and a handgun, not locked up, but we were taught that we weren't to touch them for any reason. We did not show them to our friends and we didn't mess with them.
Player #1302095, if you dial 912 you will be waiting a very long time.
That is NOT correct, the Bill of Rights does NOT provide rights it defines and PROTECTS rights. Particularly, the Second Amendment, protects the natural right of a people, capable unto itself of defining themselves as a militia AND/OR individuals THE RIGHT TO KEEP (OWN) AND BEAR (TO HAVE WITH THEM AT ANY TIME) ARMS (FIREARMS).
I put my feet up with some popcorn by my side and raced to the comments. Let the entertainment begin!
Okie Razorback, I like your comment. I grew up in a small 3-bedroom house with 5 siblings, my parents, AND my mom babysat small children. Dad kept a rifle and a shotgun (unloaded) standing up in a corner of his bedroom. All of us kids KNEW not to mess with them.
Player #2206140
Player #2206140
MeemawSauce5457, you can own it if you can afford it and are not a felon
Player tuffox
Player tuffox
ChargingEnigma1592, more than 1000 children are killed by vehicles, shall we ban them as well?
ChampionNymph, I agree that we should be identifying psychopaths, sociopaths, and sexual deviants while they are in school. But what then? None of these personality disorders can be treated successfully. Should we put microchips in them for tracking? Keep them in cages? Let them roam free like now? Euthanasia? I don't know what the answer is, but society has the right to be protected from these people.
Both my parents were hunters and kept both rifles and shotguns. My Dad also kept a loaded handgun in our camper when we went to the mountains. Neither my brother nor I ever touched the guns. Maybe kids were raised differently then.
The Constitution and subsequent amendments showed the wisdom of our Founding Fathers. In case you're wondering, the War Of Independence from the English was fought (on our side) with firearms possessed by the colonists. In order to avoid tyranny by any subsequent government, the people were guaranteed the right to bear arms. Just because thugs, criminals and murderers use guns inappropriatly is not and never will be a valid reason to deny American citizens the right to defend their households and protect themselves against tyranny.
Dustin2112112, it's a state run and we'll regulated militia not Joe hillbilly and his buddies
Ooma, It was back in the days when parents were parents. There were two of them, and they were both adults, not children playing dress-up with real babies.
Shall Not Be Infringed
Okie Razorback, kiddo that was back in the good old days, when parents didn't have to work so much. Respect for elders is a nearly archaic action!
Tina M.
Tina M.
Petlover, I worry about people who have health issues that prevent them from using a gun properly. My brother-in-law owns a couple of guns and admits that he doesn't see well and has a problem with steadiness due to Parkinson's. This is why accidents happen. Not everyone should own a gun. Also, people who can't control their temper!
Player #1302095, here in rural there's no way we would give up our guns to anyone
people need to r÷mber that when this was written the us. just fought a big war. also Britain would force colonists to house soldiers. so it doesn't give all of us civilians the right to use guns indiscrimiatky.
old metal worker
old metal worker
The second amendment as all amendments comes with a sense of responsibility. look at the actions of the individual not changing the law.
Sadly there are people in the USA that have taken this past what it was intended for. They walk around just killing strangers to get their own names known by the public.!!
well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
the question fails to mention the "well regulated militia" part.
the right to form a militia ?? I don't ever remember ever hearing that !?!? I will be looking that up .
Player dog lover
Player dog lover
when my brothers and I were very young my dad had us watch as he took a shotgun and blew a hole in one of those old metal empty gas cans. He said " this is what can happen if you point a gun at someone ". It made a lasting impression. we always had guns around but knew what they could do. I'm 63 now and still remember it .
DaintyFlyer55866, very true, I rather have one and not need it, than need it and not have one
Player #25844566
Player #25844566
Amen 2021 Qe Have Our ✅ Rights
Player #33345963
Player #33345963
MeemawSauce5457, It is not if it's your right to own a gun .It's is your right to own a gun or gun's it is in the constution of United States its the Law of the Land.
Petlover, How about some background checks?
I don't want to disarm anyone, but we need more gun owners who responsibly take care of their guns. Please keep guns locked in a safe so that children do not cause accidents. Many depressed children have committed suicide with their parents guns, and troubled individuals will take others guns and commit mass shootings. Please follow gun safety and hello save lives!
Guillermo Jr.
Guillermo Jr.
proud and responsible gun owner.. never leave home without one..
Player #1302095, Your problem may be calling 912, lol.
Player Diver Dan
Player Diver Dan
Includes the often ignored words "A well regulated militia..." In it's proper context it doesn't mean every yahoo that wants to be armed with unlimited military grade weapons should be able to do so. The National Guard is the modern equivalent of "A well regulated militia".
Player #27634187
Player #27634187
The 2nd Ammendment protects all the other rights we have. Proud gun owner for life!
GI Joe
GI Joe
SneakyMole92698, but where are those "random" murders occurring and why? I can assure you it's not in the suburbs.
GI Joe
GI Joe
MeemawSauce5457, you can in fact own a tank.
JR. Gee
JR. Gee
Player #285066, you ain't lying not to kill humans, but some don't comprehend though 🤨
The Right Of Every Man Woman or Other, Has the absolute right to protect and defend their selves against any violent or statistic Act
So glad we have a gun. Especially during these crazy times.