Who was President of the United States when Hawaii became the 50th state?

Correct answer: Eisenhower

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What people think about it: 37 Comments
they are killing me with the ads that won't close!
Kona boy
Kona boy
born and raised on the Big island,Kailua Kona
Player #2406803
Player #2406803
I do think the stroke of a pen eliminates the colonial acquisition of this sovereign nation. Most Hawaiians have not forgotten and do not agree with this designation. Interesting all of that was left out. If the truth of a nation's history is deliberately ommitted what happens to that nation? Look at the present collective fallout that emanates from such actions. We all pay in the long run and it is often not nice. Teach the truth today and ee are most likely to repeat earlier wrongs and more likely to act right in the present to avoid a negative historical past. Easy.
Delta Tango
Delta Tango
snajr, It was a territory. Our U. S. Navy used Pearl Harbor as a base of operations for the Pacific Fleet.
snajr, we have bases there, the base was bombed, trapping hundreds of sailors in sunken ships, killing thousands more. hush with your politics of war that you dont understand
read about the queen liliuokalani
Delta Tango
Delta Tango
Snajr, It was a protected territory in 1941. The U. S. Navy enjoyed the natural deep port known as Pearl Hrbor.
accidentally hit the wrong button
Also Mom was expecting me, I was born April 27,1942. His name was Marvin Pierson, he never got to see me. Very sad holidays for our family.
My mother's baby brother was stationed at Pearl Harbor in 1941 when it was bombed, his body never recovered . He was only 18yrs old. He had finished basic training and was supposed to come for a furlough on Christmas . But all sailors were confined at base inafter the bombing.in 1941
Easy question for an older American.
Malignancy, I paid two dollars to go ad-free forever. Money well spent.
Donna, you can take a cruise 🚢 on Princess Cruise Line out of Los Angeles. It’s fabulous.
Player #132018950
Player #132018950
Kona boy, have friends that live in Kailua Kona. He makes ukuleles and teaches, she makes jewelry and runs the stores. Small world.
Player #2406803, Hawaii was made into a state, contrary to what they would have us believe, not because we wanted to "help" the indigenous natives, but because it's strategic positioning in the Pacific allowed us to extend our military reach by establishing a naval and marine presence in the area to 1: help protect the mainland U.S., 2: avail our forces an early assault platform to launch counter offense missions, 3: to place our weaponry in more logistical range of (specifically) Russia, and others! The 50s was the height of the cold war, Russia wasdeemed to be the biggest threat from abroad, and Hawaii was the ideal location to meet, and counter, an attack!
Otto B. Abear
Otto B. Abear
Player #2406803, Do you think females should be able to wear clothes? Do you think you should be able to look leaders in the eye? Normal people to own land?? And yet you want Hawaiian monarchy back.
Ruairi, there was briefly a 49 star flag for the times that Hawaii was a state, but Alaska wasn't. My aunt had one from a funeral.
Player NéNé, I was born when there was 49 states. wish I had that flag, don't think there was one.
Player #2406803, in order for a territory to become a state, there has to be a vote with the majority of the people approving to becoming a state.
Kona boy, born and raised on O'ahu
Player #2406803, I bet the Hawaiians get all the benefits of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights the rest of the U.S. get. I want to take a cruise in Hawaii. It will be expensive since I live on the East Coast. I really want to see Hawaii and Alaska. I understand you see more of Hawaii on a cruise than Island hopping via Helicopters.
Malignancy, I know, it’s driving me insane!
Malignancy, I dont get any ads. Its worth the 3 dollars
Cat Woman
Cat Woman
Player #2406803, I completely agree
Player #48652022
Player #48652022
Malignancy, thinking the same thing.
Player #35015282
Player #35015282
Malignancy, I AGREE!!! Particularly when it is the same one over and over.
Rosaurasaurus Rex
Rosaurasaurus Rex
Malignancy, buy the game and support the developers
Player #14905864, I think he was wearing Khakis...?!!!
Player #10343771
Player #10343771
u.s.a u.s.a
Kama Aina
Kama Aina
Player #875935, so was I...
Player #14905864
Player #14905864
jakefromstatefarm, What are you wearing, Jakefromstatefarm?
Player #12763325
Player #12763325
Player #2406803, omg whatever!
Player #1952
Player #1952
Kona boy, I've never been outside the continental U.S. being born in Iowa.
Player #1952
Player #1952
Player #2406803, I read about the history of Hawaii.
Player #1952
Player #1952
I wish I was.
Malignancy, settle petal
Player #10854419
Player #10854419
this game is addictive!