What creature is this?
Correct answer: Centipede

Laudy Miss Claudy
In Puerto Rico they're called cien pie and they chase people. Also if it is cut in half both pieces will continue to chase you!!

I love this type of info! Especially at 3:45AM!!!

Player lintynubela
We have these little bugs in Ireland too Cetepedes only attack if they feel they are in danger .I have in my garden and do a great job in eating other bugs that bug me ecology is important as all creatures have a job to do in this earth ...😉❤

Sbiriguda, hi Sbiriguda, I just would like to add a small correction if I may. The numbers you mentioned (30 and 354) refer to the number of legs, which are indeed even numbers.
However, the explanation actually highlighted the fact that centipedes always have an odd number of PAIRS of legs.
So in the case of 30 legs it means 15 pairs of legs - or 177 pairs of legs if the centipede has 354 legs.
I really don't mean to split hairs here as I also missed that detail at first, so I had to read the explanation again, and more slowly. Then I got it + facepalmed :)
Stay safe and have a nice rest of your day! :)

Montana Lady
Those little hairy millipedes used to really freak me out when I first moved to the western US. Then I learned they were of no harm to me but were eating all of the nasty little bugs that kept chomping on my garden... I now love seeing those scary hairy things!!!

They are just as startling as mice the way they scurry.

Vina Vandervierf
Trinka, I pick them up and toss them in our garden to kill and eat other insects. Have never been stung over years

dislike these horribly...ugh!!

Player Ejag
After a trip to the tropics, discovered one in my BED one night, crawling up my thigh—UGH. Probably travelled home in my luggage!Good idea to leave luggage outside, maybe on porch, for awhile after returning from tropics!

Player #24749602
in Jamaica we call them fortii/forty leg and they can cause serious damage if the stings are from large female ones . you would require penicillin shot from the doctor

little b
i dont like centerpides

Laudy Miss Claudy, amazing

Player #17281812, Who cares how many legs. I don't discriminate. Kill them all!

Fabulous question and Wonderful answer. Thanks 😇

Mr*Snazzy, now half both those numbers then you'll get an odd number

the way i accidsntally picked caterpillar..

Modest Mouse
That took a while having to count all those legs before determining that it wasn't a millipede. Phew!!

Laudy Miss Claudy, They do NOT chase anything! I LIVE in Puerto Rico, and rarely ever see one.

I'm from Hawaii, and our daughter was about 2-3 months old, she was asleep in her crib and while I was checking on her and lifted her blanket to cover her up again, there under her blanket laid a HUGE PURPLE with blue tip legs about 10-12 inches long and about an inch wide body, not including it's legs! I handed my husband the meat tenderizer and sent him in after it, he came out with 5 dead centipede body parts! They're gross looking! YIKES! O_O

CupKate 24
Rockinpeiede. I made it up.

I know this creature from a real life experience in Australia, - found one of those in my bedroom, it was around 10cm long... 😬

I never learned this, back it 6th grade

JoyceyGirl45773, you know these insects are not like harm you . they kill other insects dont dislike them

Laudy Miss Claudy, really!?

Tina M.
We saw one in Hawaii this year. It was 4-5 inches long. I'm terrified of them! I read that they're bite is venomous.

Lol if anyone watches BRAVE WILDERNESS ull see one like that it is know as the Gaint Desert Centipede just by the name ull already know that ull only see it in a desert also one of the biggest fear of Cayote Peterson

Frog, sweet frog, thanks

Scotti, so do my hens!

dheeraj, a country.

Sonny Vistan
Centipedes lives in the house they are in the cool places.

Evidently, they must be tasty to chickens! My girls go bonkers and fight over them whenever they find them in the yard. 🐓

Laudy Miss Claudy, what is Puerto Rico?

Renavhel Alido Basaya
I've got chills as I saw the picture. Gosh I hate that creature so much.

of all animals, this is the only thing I'm afraid of. I can't breathe if I saw one in my house.

Player #39584197
in south africa we call it a shongololo

Player #43127375
I hate Centipedes so much because here in philippines it can crawl the walls and it is very fast and I heard it bites and I hate it

Player #17281812
Frog, thanks for clarifying that. I also read that they have an odd number of...legs and i thought 1. that's weird, I always told the kids all the animals have an even number of legs! 😂 and 2. there is a typo, it should be written 31 to 355 legs! 😂😂 Now I see it is written...PAIR of legs! Funny!

b. meemrot
Player lintynubela, well done,I'm really heppy to know that 🌻🌻🌻🌻

b. meemrot
in rajasthan,we call this 'Canchada'

Player #13023389
I lived at a place with centipedes inside. I killed 3 or 4 and am glad they're gone. Debby