What fictional species of alien was in the movie "Alien"?
Correct answer: Xenomorph

Of course there are aliens. I think someone would have to be severely blinkered to believe this is the only planet amongst possibly billions, to have life on it.

they probably would think we look weird to them as well

to answer the question, "YES", I believe its a possibility that there are aliens. We havent even begun to explore all thats out there in the vast universe...

yes, but not like the movies most likely humanoid with adaptations that fit there enviroment

agreed, not like movies but i doubt we've come up with anything like actual life in our media

Genius, what are we, if not proof that life on planets exist?

sunsetdb7, maybe there is but plenty of scary things already here to worry about, why invent more.

No matter how many planets there are out there with some life form, there has to be one that is more advanced than any other. It could just as easily be Earth as any other planet. Think about it.

B Happy
hope that there's intelligent life out there cos as Monty Python says . .

Player #66817220
Do the quiz people realize that "xenomorph" just means "unknown/foreign (life) form"?

Mariposa , Miss Elizabeth Ard

There has to be other intelligent creatures in the universe. They are more intelligent and know to stay away from earth. We are a highly aggressive species

tinabobina, agreed!

sunsetdb7, depends on what you call alien.

Player #62752956
JasonR1972, that’s ridiculous. Octopi are cephalopods and they developed from evolution like everything else.

aliens?? out there?? have you been to new york,or Philadelphia,,I rest my case...😎MIB.

Of course I believe in aliens. I grew up 50 miles from Roswell, NM. I used to watch a show named "V" in the 80s with Jane Badler and Marc Singer. I convinced my young nephew that I was an Alien too. I told him that I just needed to scratch my arm and he would see my lizard skin underneath. He begged me not to do it and of course I didn't.

Player #66817220
PuzzledSheep16154, well, the last couple of movies were pretty Goofy.

Player #66817220
ChampionNymph37634, I have to grant the possibility, but the odds are only one in [total number of inhabited planets in the universe].

Player #66817220
MoodyChef92025, they're probably all looking at us and saying, "There goes the neighborhood."

Player Bengal Mama
I don't want to think of ones like that.

there is so much unknown about our own planet and species. the bottom of the sea for example. simple human conditions the causes are unknown also things like anesthesia.

Player #9809468
sunsetdb7, Depends on what you call alien.

The Drake equation says yes.

Gem cart
Brilliant artwork, sure branches past the big eye flying saucer propaganda crap... look at how influential it is. Starcraft, the MIB bugs... predator. Giger is one of the best

well the movie franchise is owned by disney so all the aliens are m.j ow disney princesses

Rymann71, You are going to get a very unhappy surprise some day.

Octopus DNA can only be attributed to alien origin.
They came from "Out there".

Player #38925
didnt mean to push dislike! i love thia game:)

I cant believe I remembered this tid-bit lol. Great movie! Seen it in Japan when it came out in theaters.