The man pictured is a well known automobile manufacturer. Can you identify him?
Correct answer: Ford Motors' founder Henry Ford

A&B's Nonna
So he rewarded worthwhile employees when they lived up to the company's moral compass and deserved it. Sounds right to me. He didn't give everyone a trophy just for showing up to work 👎

Company's today should expect the same kind of moral behavior from their employees when considering raises and permotions. Maybe our world would not be in such decline if it were still so.

Player #3104118, yes he was anti-Semitic, prowhite, antiunion. What a sweet heart

Player Tystyx
The Ford Model"T" Engine and Drive Train was Built by the Dodge Brothers, They worked for Ford Motor Corporation until Henry Ford found out they were Jewish and got rid of the 2 of them.... But Ford had to buy them out because both were MAJOR STOCKHOLDERS! With that money they Started Dodge Brothers Motorcars.(the original Dodge emblem represented the Star of David

A&B's Nonna, And he was an ardent admirer of Adolf Hitler. Don't put him on a pedestal just yet!

Player #3104118
LibraLady1010, he had a photo of Hitler in his office. ... just saying

Maria ♡
LibraLady1010, Sadly Not All of Hitlers Horrendous treatment of the Jews & Those Who were against him, Came to a Head , Till the Allies Started Finding the, Concentration Site, & PoW Camps, that the World discovered what he did,
I know there were Remarks about what he was doing had leaked out,
Sadly People didn't believe, because it was So Horrendous, they Never Thought anyone could be So Cruel to Do Such a thing, Hindsight is a wonderful thing, if Only the World , the Generals & Governments Leaders of the Allied Nations, had it before, & Did something to Stop , Some things Are to Horrible to Consider, because you wouldn't do, That doesn't mean someone else Wouldn't, Hitler's Proved that,
& Other Counties during their Wars have done Dreadful Things too, To People, Children, Babies, The Length of Hate Some People have for their Neighbour is still shocking, we Still hear of Leaders still doing Horrendous stuff to their Own Poeple , From Gasing ! Torture ! on top of Dropping Bombs, Where is The Compassion, the Discussions &, Negotiations,
The Leaders Have too much Aggressive Hormones Running through their Heads, & Bodies, Greeď of What they Want to Take, Now Our Young Are Thinking Life is Cheep ! They are Taking Lifes like it doesn't Matter, It Does Matter ,

Player #35917190
I used to know several people who worked at the FORD plant in Oakville. They would brag about drinking and drugs consumed outside during breaks. Social Dept is slacking. Owned a couple Fords. Give me a CHEVY❣

MechanizedEagle79284, You are certainly correct there. Henry hired thugs to beat and dissappear those who were pro union chasing change for the betterment of his employees. He wasn't a nice man at all. Only to those who would cater to his whims. I was a Ford fan until I found this out.

MechanizedEagle79284, Seems he wasn't far wrong about Zionism.

Jethrine321, When employers begin to dictate our moral behavior we can be sure the End is near! most companies are centered on making profits. if they can get away with a cheaper, not inexpensive, but cheeper way to do it, they will. and pocket the extra money for themselves and stock holders. Is that really who you want to determine right from wrong and base your employment on it? i'll stick to God.

look up the Ford massacre! not to mention the exploding pinto in the 70s, to the exploding crown Victoria in the 2000s, I've owned several Ford's over the years, after the last money pit, and due to all the sleazy business practices, I'm done with ford!

Player #123802701
Player Tystyx, wow, thanks. I had no idea .

Player #35917190, According to my father, FORD = Fix Or Repair Daily. He detested Ford cars.

I think I learn more from the comments then the actual game 😳

What is 5dollars issue from Henry Ford's ideas to his employees..

Anyone that born on the number 30 is a serious person and gift from God.Very creative people.

this was a really tough one🤣🤣I as usual went for the longest

MechanizedEagle79284, how tf does that make him a sweetheart?
unless your using sarcasm.

In 1938, he received the Grand Cross of the German Eagle from Nazi officials. General motors and Ford were pretty important to the German military.

The exact opposite of Oskar Schindler, who helped a lot Jews escape from the terror of being sent to concentration camps. Though I must admit that when I was a child, I was so fascinated by the different versions of Ford Mustangs, just like the different models of Ferraris.

Player lindalu
Player #32825072, yes its him

Player #12526564
LibraLady1010, I was wondering if anyone would say that.

Ford is a good vehicle an he fits the era on that picture.

Player #18659541
pure guess cos i hadn't a clue what the correct answer was

Mercy Akanimo
I just went for the familiar answer

I liked the fact that his cars could be any colour so long as it was black.

the famous one always the answer

R Murray
CheckOutBigBrain, Ford was using it for profit sharing, not regular pay. It was voluntary on both sides. He was rewarding behavior that he valued. It was up to the individual worker to decide if they wanted to give up those activities to get the extra money. They were not entitled to it otherwise.

nazi lover.

Jethrine321, I think people's private lives should be able to be private. The closest jobs get to private time activities is drug testing, which can affect work.

Player #5100533
anniegrnis1956, Have actually HEARD President Trump, saying anyting biased or anti-Semitic? NO!! You rely on what you are Told, by people that don't want you to actually THINK on your own......

Player #5100533
MechanizedEagle79284, So.? What car brand has YOUR name on it. ?????

The family are the worst, when it comes to owning professional sports teams.

Ford was a very close friend of my great uncle.