What is retinoblastoma?
Correct answer: A type of cancer that starts in the eye

Aww, the great Colombo, bless him. Xx

I loved Columbo

just one more thing.

I always wondered why his eye was different looking. Great actor. Loved Columbo

Player #1111308
I love Colombo . How He solved his cases by pretending to be confused about everything. Madlock reminds me of Colombo. Great actor!!!😎

i never "knew" this about Falk but it seems perfect-sense now. I love all his works especially Max "Push the button, Max!" -The Great Race

Cancer in any form is terrible.

Retin has to do with the eye so with a little help from a hint I got it right.

Norwegian Rover
Columbo is probably the best written tv-series in history

Player #7929563
I always knew he had an artificial eye...just never knew the reason for it.

just want to say Happy New year to you all

never tire of columbo episode's

“As you wish.” … Peter Falk as the grandfather in The Princess Bride. Classic!

UngenerousGoal7, its truee...

Unbelievable , inspector Colombo was partially blind! 🫣 I loved him

ZealousforZebras, Yeah, I thought he was doing something tricky with that one eye, you know, to throw the suspect off. It went with his rather unkempt look and almost bumbling behavior. He always captured the bad guy, though.

Reminds me of the time in a pub during early college years. This guy had a false eye, he took it out dropped it into his pint of beer took it out and placed it in palm of my hand. I said, pointless if wanna keep an eye on me. He couldn’t believe I wasn’t freaked out by it because he often does this to knew people he mets, especially the woman. I said to a mate of his, maybe if he pulled his other eye out, may get a reaction… lol

I love Columbo. I’m glad he didn’t let this keep him from succeeding in his life. Peter Fulk’s real wife played in a few episodes.

‘Retin’ gave me the answer

chan and lyca
Shep,idk that

Jean Louise
Peter Falk portrayed a perfect Columbo,and I think his artificial right eye assisted the character, capitalized on human weakness in underestimating people with disabilities, aged, not polished, etc.

way too many Indian related questions.... why?

Roy Jones
Retino/Retina gave it away lol

Bright eyes
Bless our young people of today. Peter Falk was a good actor, and not hard on the eyes.

UngenerousGoal7, does cataract, is one form of cancer?? does this comes by smoking& alcohalism??

oh no, it means lens.....

The reason my son only has 1 eye. Found out later that Peter Falk also had it.

so many types of cancer 😭

Player #63550651
i answered get corrected but my fingers cheat me

I didn't know that about him yes, you learn something new everyday!

UngenerousGoal7, Yes absolutely! 😷🙏

from the word retino,i think it is from the eye.

Sam Iiputa
Wasn't concentrating on this one

Kitty Golightly
I guess my lifelong question has finally been answered. I never knew that

'wow ididn't know that

May God bless all of us from this dangerous disease

Player #7929563, Same here...

Player #42677565
ZealousforZebras, never realized !

Player #38500784
Good job , I never new he had a fake eye wow

Player Marco
Great Actor, nice memories