Which of the following soda brands was created for Nazi Germany during WWII?
Correct answer: Fanta

Always wanted to know what "A&W" stood for. Now I know..."the rest of the story!"

OZZYBUCKEYE44, you go Paul harvey good day

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player Elf Counsel, Player Elf Counsel, Walter "Radar" O'Reilly drank Grape Nehi

Player Elf Counsel,
If you think about it Ginger beer is a type of root beer too. ;)

Player #10098774, namaste from India .We spell these as flavour and colour those are the formal British English spellings we follow

ezasjel, galon j7g of ice cold a&w on a hot july day(is anyone smiling?)

Player #10098774
Player #16531942, just to let you know that many English speaking countries actually spell flavour as flavour, and also colour!! your statement showed ignorance and was totally unnecessary.

wow, i think this is quite possibly the most interesting fact i've learned on this game out of 162 levels. thanks for submitting!

Newt, Sarsaparilla is a completely different drink. I apologise to any Americans here, but I think root beer is God-awful. Sorry!

Player Elf Counsel, think it's called Sarsparilla in Aus. Mainly popular in Queensland.

Miss Sue
Soleil10001, Thought about it. No it is not.

Clo, English speakers separated by a common language...lol.

Soleil10001, yes but ginger beer (my dad's favorite soda) tasted horriblely to me as a kid. I didn't know how he could stomach the stuff.

Perfumella, I’ve got to agree but, to each his own.

KnowThyself, reread the question please before trying to shame Coca-Cola.

Deirdre, guess you never sat in a Volkswagen or wore or used any Adidas or Puma attire or equipment?

pup, yes and neighbour and labour etc. however the U.S. spelling removed the “u”

OZZYBUCKEYE44, and knowing is half the battle!

Thank you vary much for putting that effort to educate us about real facts through the game! Thank you!

Waldo Lydeker
FANTA - For Aryan Nazi Thirst Appeasement - yeah, that makes sense. Nice going, Coca-Cola

Player #44565732
Player #28417006, It was a Coca-Cola plant, but due to the embargo it wasn't under the control of the company. After the war they regained control of the plant.

Player #14131593
i didnt know squirt was grapefruit ugh

Guillermo Jr.
not a bad mixer for gin!

The Nazi market? Really? Non-nazis didn't get any? Why not just say "Germany"?

Gin & Squirt over ice on a hot July afternoon.. = HEAVEN!

Player #24358685
Uninitialized, you have to find the right root beer.

I knew the correct answer.
Fanta is coming from word Fantastic. ❤️

Pimpao +, the orange fanta flavour was invented in Italy in 1955 , the concept of a strongly fruity acid and sweet carbonated drinks was from Germany , and in fact used in cooking , as a perserved source of flavour and sugar.. from waste sour fruit juices

Diver Dan, I think I will try that too.

Diver Dan, no difference between them I have tried them all and it's always three bars after a certain level so don't trouble changing because the questions are random.

Player #3470075
YearRounder, hi

A&W always write

I like Birch beer when I can find it!