Who was the first U.S. President to have a beard?
Correct answer: Abraham Lincoln

Huh, I did not think he was the first one. I knew he famously had one but not the first to have one... huh okay then

Player #2298966,
thank you!.. need to keep learning to keep young..82 and counting..

i Love this game

Player #2298966
History remembers Abraham Lincoln as such an upstanding, moral, and righteous man. We are taught that his aim in the Civil War was to end slavery. This was not the truth. He wanted to preserve the Union. When asked why he wouldn't let the South secede peacefully, he responded "But who would pay for the government?"
He also said of the war, "If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."
The Emancipation Proclamation was simply a tactic of war. A war in which both sides had those who held views that were wrong. Slavery was evil. It should have never existed. But ending it was not Lincoln's motivation.

I knew it was Abraham bc he's one of my favorite presidents

Rutherford Hayes had a beard but shaved it prior to running ,Beards back then were considered unsophisticated.. therefore they were considered by their peers to have lacked intellectual and moral fiber. just an FYI

Capt Morgan
This is better then history class!

Guillermo Jr.
a little girl wrote Abe a letter suggesting he sport whiskers to balance his long face... he later met her in person and thanked her..

Player #5895627
ZealousJelly5831, Refreshing to hear this from you ma'am. Forever Young!

Player Shakukoko
I love beards β€

i thogth he was yonog

Le Genius
Angela , now that Joe is on his way out,
maybe things will get better.

Zimmy Zimberg
ZealousJelly5831, Good for you! ππ€β€οΈ

He was amazing!!

Gots to go 4 now. later yall

I thought John Adams did. . . But it is Abraham Lincoln.

ZealousJelly5831, thank you for your comment I love playing this game most of them I am pretty smart about so I know I'm not going senile yet thank you for your call yet

ZealousJelly5831, Me tooπ. 86 and counting π€.

Player #119695104
Taft was also so fat he got stuck in the bathtub it was a perfect example of the kind of man that he was greedy and corrupt if the US politicians physical appearance resembled their corruption they wouldn't fit in Washington

for my family
I know this how again- I'm still in elementary

The best and greatest President America has ever had

Guillermo Jr., that is awesome story

BIGDOUGu812ok, people should not judge a person by their beard but by their belief and honesty.

BIGDOUGu812ok, interesting thanks

kem, Honest Abraham Lincoln and amazing president. To bad our president and government are not honest now. They are so corrupt, ignorant, and uncaring. Definitely not honest...

ZealousJelly5831, keep up the good work

He is my favorite president his birthday is on my birthday and he was homeschooling like me

should be "departed" not "departure"

Joyous one
Guillermo Jr., that girl is the Grace Bedell mentioned in the info section after question.

He's the only one out of those that I know! lol

Player #28234171, John Quincy Adams had mutton chops a little different than a beard.

Player #33743972, Giantside burns don't count. It may have been a trick question.

“Big Daddy Sugar Water”
Alison , Mine too - Currently reading Killing Lincoln

Dreamcatcher's #1 Somnia
I guessed and got it wrong. π

This is hard and my brother made me get it wrong

fun fact, the girl actually told him a beard would improve his appearance π

Liberty, Really? If that is actually true, that is so cool. Lincoln is one of my favorite Presidents.

Player #38618593
BIGDOUGu812ok, Still look unsophisticated . .

Big old beard is what came to mind when I saw Lincoln as an option and seeing it was also option C , I figured that had to be the answer, and I was right. Although, like others I had no idea he was the first to sport that look.

Niyah Jones
it wasn't Abraham Lincoln it was John Quincy Adams