How long is the term of a U.S. Supreme Court Justice?

Correct answer: Life

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What people think about it: 39 Comments
Jamie Clevenger
Jamie Clevenger
Lifetime but it shouldnt be.
Suzy Z
Suzy Z
I think they should be voted in, and have term limits also
Why we tolerate this is riduculous. It allows one political party control over all our lives for decades.
Montana Lady
Montana Lady
MuscularDemigod69239, there are many reasons term limits make sense (not only for the Supreme Court, but for Congress as well) Altziemer's, dementia, technology... plus, it sounds like your issue is money in US politics, not socialism. Leaving one problem in place to mitigate another is never a good thing. So perhaps it's time to both end Citizen's United and impose term limits...
so many factors why Life should not be the correct answer.
Player #Gloria55
Player #Gloria55
lots of things happen in a lifetime. mental stability??
Player #4276184
Player #4276184
learn how it works and why.....for both the court and the electoral college this is why civics should still be taught In school
Player #185561, then they could keep putting themselves up for appointment (or re-election would be even better), and if they are that great then they can keep their job. But you should never automatically have any position for life, especially one that wields so much power over other people.
Player #12773486
Player #12773486
The reason for a life term is for them NOT to be swayed by party affiliation. They are Supposed to be NON-partisan & removed when they aren't or become unable to do the job (mentally impaired,etc.) The problem is we have a Congress full of people who don't comprehend law or ethics beyond bending then to line their wallets!
Jamie Clevenger, They are appointed for life, so that their focus and concentration is beyond politics. They are free from the constraints of continual re-elections; therefore their complete focus and concentration can ideally be on the Constitution and the law.
IllustratedGrrl, I learned a saying when I was in school. It's this: ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY!! Enough said.
Giggle Pig, When I was young, we used to frequently hear the following words, "Sir, I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." I haven't heard anyone say that in decades. Many people today seem to think that if they are offended, speech should be censored. Other values once common in our society, Common courtesy, Common decency, and the most lost of them all, common sense. These once-pervasive anchors of our civilization are blowing in the wind.
Montana Lady, terms are limited when they are voted out by voters
Player #92723922
Player #92723922
Life tenure - BIG mistake.
Tony, The US Congress doesn't have term limits. Some of them have been there 35+ years with no restrictions on their power. We must all DEMAND limits on Congress. The stink in Washington originates there.
Player #12773486, look at the president. Who I didn’t VOTE for and never will. Incompetent.
no person with that much power should be given a lifetime appointment. I was under the impression that things like that was the reason our country was founded. also there should be implemented set of standards that they need to live by charge of judging others.
There needs to be Term limits!
Player #12568228, actually despite political influence I agree with a term limit for Justices of The High Court and any other court. All of the court system is suppose to be nonpartisan, however, it's not.
Giggle pig
Giggle pig
Tanya, right, even though I may not agree with you, I will fight for your right to say whatever you want!
Allye Yaya
Allye Yaya
SparkyChaz2018, no. they should not have re-election. the should have a term and be done. next!
I don't believe it should be a life time in any Official office. Citizen's shoul be able to vote on all Official office departments of the government (ie. Congress, Senate, Justice officals ect.) just like we vote for the the President.
Player #76647850
Player #76647850
yes ii just happened recently because one of the Justice retired and the first African American Woman became Justice of the Supreme Court
Neal Elkind
Neal Elkind
Jamie Clevenger, why?
Way way way to long. Need term limits there and every other political office.
Player #10081096
Player #10081096
Dana Scully, lol. She herself vyed for Obama to replace a justice in his final months. Liberal talking points are so easy to dismantle.
too long is the correct answer..;)
Flip Holmes 5569
Flip Holmes 5569
SparkyChaz2018, that is the ideal principle, but over the years their politics have intervened.
Player #31777410
Player #31777410
magic monkey- and elections wouldn't be?
Player #12568228
Player #12568228
The only people complaining about the life term are the liberals. If the court was swinging to the left they would be all about done life terms. 🙄
Player #25619468
Player #25619468
Montana Lady, there should be limits to ALL voted positions
Bon guru 2
Bon guru 2
I firmly agree with term limits, but I would also like to add, we need to get to a system that has more than two parties. For us to grow as a nation, we have to hear from the people. Republicans, Democrats, does not matter, nothing good for the rest of us can change as long as they are the only ones who control everything. It's all about power and greed.
Player #24786540
Player #24786540
SparkyChaz2018, Great answer, NAILED IT!!
Player #20652248
Player #20652248
they should be voted in and if caught in wrong doing , they should be put in prison
Player #18996322
Player #18996322
Jamie Clevenger, it's always nice to know this knolage
Player #15356356
Player #15356356
SuzyZabel, i know. Can they retire i wonder?
It's time for term limits, for the justices and Congress as well.
johnwintergreen, if killary won without the popular vote, would she have SLITHERED into office? Yeah, I didnt think so. Thats different, yes? No one slithered in, the voting system is what it is, until it is changed, Deal With It, ya lost!
Everyone is so quick to judge in the comments. Many think they are the judge, jury and executioner